> Is there sparring in Jujutssu Kai?

Is there sparring in Jujutssu Kai?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Hello to all, just a curious question. Do people that practice Jujutsu kai spar? Is a school that does not allow sparring a Mcdojo?

I don't know anything about them. I'm sure I could use google to learn a little, but so could you.

No, not sparring does not mean it is a mcdojo. That is a myth.

There are many school of different style that do not spar. Sparring is impossible for many because if they did the students would all be injured. If you don't have a training partner you won't learn much. There are some very good traditional schools in Japan that do not spar. Those places are highly regarded as the best schools with the best martial artist.

Depending on how you spar it can lead to many bad habits.

Not sure what you are asking about the term "Kai" means organization. And there is Jujitsu and there is Jujutsu. In fact there are hundreds of styles of Jujitsu and Jujutsu. And to be clear, Jujitsu and Jujutsu are closely related but not the same thing. Now, what are you asking? Styles do not determine if you spar, who ever is in charge does.


Jujitsu Kai is a school or organization and not a style. There are several school with that name which one and where

Hello to all, just a curious question. Do people that practice Jujutsu kai spar? Is a school that does not allow sparring a Mcdojo?