> Is there any way I can spar with ear piercings?

Is there any way I can spar with ear piercings?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Yeah take them out. Get hit in the ear area and have that post stick you in the head/neck and you will bleed. And it will hurt

There is no reason why jewelries of any kind should be worn during sparring. You are not there to make a fashion statement. If you are smart and don't want some nasty permanent injuries, then no. Ever seen people with their earlobes ripped off? Not pretty and the only way to fix it is with plastic surgery and even then it doesn't look the same as before.

Just take off the ear-ring or whatever it is before sparring and put them on after sparring.

Yeah, you take them out and put them back in after the sparring. It's no big deal. If you don't, getting hit in the ear can be very painful if the post digs into your head. If you have really small ear rings they usually don't rip out but the post still hurts.

I don't think ear piercings spar. Now to answer what you meant to say, take the piercings out. Jewelry of any kind should not be worn during martial arts training, especially during sparring.


We are not allowed to wear any jewelry at any time during martial arts practicing. For good reason.

While a ear piercing is less likely to get hit than, say, an eyebrow or nose, there are horror stories of what happens to those who don't take them out. So don't be lazy and just take them out! Lol.

BTW: Here's a good test to see if your at a good dojo: Ask your instructor if its okay to wear them during sparring. If he says yes, you may want to consider leaving your dojo.

Back in the 1980's, I wore sleeper studs in both ears and I trained with them on and nothing ever happened to me. Our founder Sijo Adriano Emperado and his entourage of Black Belts had their ears pierced and we thought it was real cool. We were not deliberately aiming for each other's ears anyways.

Things were more loose back in the 1980's. Students would bleed in the class and it was not a real big deal.

Things are different in the 21st century. When I went back to train a few years ago, I took off my earrings before training and put them back on after training. People are more squeamish about drawing blood these days and I do not want to add to my training partner's fears.

So in conclusion, just because I trained with earrings on for years without anything happening to me, does not necessarily mean that nothing will happen to you. So please take your earrings off before training. You and your training partners will feel more at ease.

No, you need to take them out. Too many people have had their ears ripped open by accident

Take them out. You really don't want to get one caught.