> Is there a legitimate prinipal behind no contact karate?

Is there a legitimate prinipal behind no contact karate?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Like it seems dumb but a lot of the guys there are really fit and strong.

Of course they are fit and strong, they are exercising at a high level regularly.

No contact ever? Well you might develop sound kata and techniques, however you will lack timing, understanding of distance and proper defense.

You will however get in shape, and do some beautiful looking techniques.

You just won't have any practical, effective, fighting ability except what you already have instinctively.

Being fit and being good are two very different things. Eliminating full contact sparing and a resiting opponent from your martial arts training is plain stupid in my opinion. It's two completely different worlds. Take BJJ for instance. Someone told me once that the only difference between a blue belt and a black belt is timing, not knowledge. Anyone can execute a technique in slow motion. But to do it when the other person is constantly moving, resisting, arms and legs never in the same position for more then a fraction of a second, now that is the trick. The difference between me and someone who has trained many, many years is that I have to be like "Ok, his arm is now here so I can do that move". By the time I've done that the moment is gone.

Some people think it's ok to train in that way. That is fine. You do that. But I've seen it so many techniques fail at full speed. I personally think it's the downfall of many martial arts and martial arts dojo's. But each to his own.

Depends on how much importance is placed on it. I think any type of training if there is over emphasis could destroy an art. So if they practiced to get better at that type of sparring then it’ll be lacking much of the greater elements of the art. However if that sparring is only one of the many drills of the art then I don’t see why it can’t be as great as you say it is. Though personally I prefer the light contact over no contact because stopping a strike requires a different form than actually hitting a target(I’m thinking mainly the kicks.) and I think the benefits are the same.

Actually, there is. The idea is that you do not want to maim or kill or otherwise damage your sparring partner while you practice your techniques. In theory, you save your contact training for hitting heavy bags and other padded objects (shields, etc), or even in breaking. The idea also is that if you can maintain control, at full force, you will do more damage in a real fight if you actually hit someone.

The reality is that a lot of times, people go ahead and hit each other anyway because theiy either really lack control, or want to learn how to be able to take some punishment. I know I did that sometimes, especially in the name of LIGHT contact LOL. Light contact. Yeah, right.

If you are talking about targeting the actual target and stop before contact, while grappling and receiving normally, that is actually good.

A basic idea, is to be able to practice/develop, with out having to get used to something else than what you want to practice/develop..Then strikes with contact are trained on the makiwara.

If you are talking about this, that is actually good.

Yep; it allows you to gain speed, stamina and agility; both of which can be used in contact fights.

Yea man no contact at all just kata contests and stuff. I asked what's no contact sparing and he showed me it was just weird.

Again no women and the food is not food no martial arts needed.

Like it seems dumb but a lot of the guys there are really fit and strong.