> Is the nasion a weak spot?

Is the nasion a weak spot?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
That is not an easy bone to break, if you can strike with enough force to break it, most of the other facial bones will break as well. And most instances were people have died from it there entire facial structure was also broken. Death occured more of a result in blunt force trama from the massive facial damage, it was not the result of one strike.

Nearly impossible to strike because the head dips to protect itself in a fight and tuck the chin in. This means the fore head is more exposed. You are 1000 times more likely to break your hand on their forehead than hit the intended target

It is in the mind I might add just like Johny Walker walking the wild west Gung Fu doesnt always save the day its all about the Tao of Jeet Kune Do. That is what you should really know my dear feasant care to oblige in care.

I have read on listverse that if the nasion is struck with sufficient force, it may result in unconsciousness and/or death, however I read an article (http://abclocal.go.com/wabc/story?id=9241854) and it says in the article that a man who goes by the name of ken was suckerpunched "between the eyes", and if you look at the picture, his nasion appears to be swollen. It looks like he was punched pretty hard, however he survived the attack. So I don't know how good of a weak spot the nasion is, but I don't think that it's a lethal one. It may knock someone out if punched with enough force, however it must require a lot of force to be able to actually knock someone out with a punch to that area. If it is a lethal weak spot, then explain how it would kill someone.