> Is my Dojang a MCdojang? (repost)?

Is my Dojang a MCdojang? (repost)?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
See the answers we gave before.

I posted that based on their website it sure looks that way.

Now it's hard to be 100% certain but if I was betting I'd say yes.

with what you wrote, it is hard to tell, some styles do give children belts once they learn the first form which can take a month for some. I am not the most advanced but can tell you that most tests are formalities as any instructor should know where the student is before the test. Even without that, by looking at the most basic kata, anyone with training can see the difference, unfortunately in most schools there are no differences. To know if it is a McDojo there are other requirements. Do all the brown belts and higher produce a sound from their arm when the punch the air, if not it has low standards. Do children who cannot tie a belt have brown and black belts? Bad sign.

No contact sparring, quick belt advances, let me guess 1 hour practices? Did you sign like a 2 year contract as well?

If you have to ask then yes your place is a McDojo.

I go to this Taekwondo school in my local area, it is called Master Moon's Taekwondo. Typically one practice days, we bow in, stretch and warm up. Then, we partner up and practice punching and kicking with targets, after that, we do some calisthenics, push-ups, situps, squats etc. Then finally, we do Curriculum, which is where you practice your possme (Don't know how to type srry) for your next belt test and that is the end of class. (Btw there is no contact sparring on certain days and a contact sparring class on fridays) I have been having some suspicions that my place may be a Mcdojo. I started last month and by the end of this month i'm already a yellow belt. What? Plus during the testing each belt tester goes to test at the same time, but to me the worst part is that when they test for (blue belt, green belt etc) they all follow the EXACT same formula. For example, yellow belt "team" goes up to test, they do their Possme or form, at their own pace? Then they do one-step sparring or "self defence" (which is really just one-step sparring) then they do no contact sparring for a minute, then they all break a board with a certain move, then thats basically it. They follow this formula for every single belt test. Okay I am not a taekwondo expert, but it everything seems really suspicious can any taekwondo experts out there tell whether or not this place is a Mcdojang?

I had to repost this because it was in the wrong category.

I would really appreciate. (and I may have posted something similar to this, but on a different yahoo answers site) Thanks!

Additional Details

Gordon, I saw ALL ranks go through the same process. The black belt guy did the possme 3 times, self-defence/one step sparring, spar, then break boards. His test was slightly different, but again all ranks follow the same formula