> Is mma a style?

Is mma a style?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Is mma a martial arts style or do you just call it mma when you train in more than one style?

Not as such. Unlike "styles" in the conventional sense, there is no single, unifying lineage or point of origin.

Mostly, people train for MMA by studying two or more systems, then having training sessions where they combine what they've learned- using boxing punches to set up wrestling takedowns, using BJJ positioning to set up ground strikes based on karate techniques, etc. There are certain "MMA styles" like Erik Paulson's Combat Submission Wrestling, Satoru Sayama's Shooto, and Mark Hatmaker's Extreme Self Protection. These are stand-alone systems, originating from multiple existing systems, designed with optimizing one-on-one, unarmed combat in mind.

If you just train in more than one style, that's simply cross-training. MMA is using the various elements together in a complimentary fashion. For example, in my karate class, I couldn't shoot for a takedown; in my BJJ class, I couldn't punch; in my Muay Thai class, I couldn't go for an ankle lock. I was simply cross-training them. It took specific training sessions to draw together the disparate elements into one (using some trapping from Wing Chun to set up a Muay Thai clinch position, then use a foot sweep I learned in Judo to take the guy down, transitioning to a knee-on-belly position I learned in BJJ, and setting up a leg lock I learned in submission wrestling- I couldn't get away with all of those techniques in their individual classes).

MMA stands for mixed martial arts. It is not one specific form or combat style. Rather a combination of various classical (jiu jitsu, muy thai, wrestling) to create one fighters "style".

a style is universal, what you learn at one school you will learn the same thing at another, the same techniques, tactics, philosophy, breathing patterns and so forth will all be the same. mma is not constraint in these areas. if you go to one gym you will learn one set of skills and tactics if you go to another you will learn a different set of skills.


fyi many of us call it cross training when we train in multiple styles. we have used that term for decades going as far back as the 50's, before that it was called being a generalist, and probably a few others

Many styles molded into 1 mostly...didNt used 2 be though...it used 2 be style vs style

MMA is not a style, school way or a philosophy. It is more like organized brawling wherein one might be a "jack of all trades" while being a "Master of none".

Such thuggery has long been popular wherein street fighters were pitted against one another as a "sport".

Really it could be.



Is mma a martial arts style or do you just call it mma when you train in more than one style?