> Is mauy thai, boxing, and bbj a good combonation?

Is mauy thai, boxing, and bbj a good combonation?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I'm 15 and am doing all 3 wanting to get mma fights. I'm also doing wrestling soon so that will add to my knowledge and skill

You are doing 4 arts but you don't even know 1 properly? You are the jack of all trades but the master of none. I don't see the point in that. I would quit boxing and wrestling and stick with bjj and muay thai for now. In a few years you can maybe add something else but for now no need.


No bipap is good.

of course, that is your bread and butter.

I'm 15 and am doing all 3 wanting to get mma fights. I'm also doing wrestling soon so that will add to my knowledge and skill