> Is karate a good sport for me?

Is karate a good sport for me?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
First all "karate" is not a sport. Karate is a term that describes a bunch of martial arts styles typically from Okinawa and Japan.

Second, some forms of karate are more sport oriented than others. So you need to find out what style of karate the dojo teaches, and if it's more sport oriented or self defense focused.

Third, unlike what KW says, learning self discipline is a HUGE factor in self defense. First off it teaches us to control ourselves so we avoid fights unless there are no other choice. It also teaches us when to act and react.

Finally, while you don't need good grades to train in martial arts, the self discipline you learn can help your grades and that is also a good benefit.

God, i really hate when people call a martial art a sport... Karate will definately teach you self defense and the discipline that it teaches you is about being true to yourself to strive for the best that you can do. This does not mean that you will not have to follow some rules and instruction in an academy. No academy will allow you to come and just do as you please. You will have to follow the rules as it is respect, tradition and finally for safety for yourself and/or other students.

No you do not need good grades but as with any art, intelligence will help. 99% of the stuff you do will be based on intelligence.

That's not what your mom means. She means SELF-discipline, which is a totally different thing from other people telling you what to do.

As with most sports, grades are utterly irrelevant.

as Many have said "Sport Karate" is not real karate, it is something many call McDojo Karate. Real Karate is something that brings discipline which begins within you. It is not the military (though some people who teach have been in it) and the yelling of the Cobra Kai (aging myself) is not acceptable in many Okinawan styles. Most Okinawan Karate Sensei will carry the mentality that if you want to learn you will do what you need to and ask them question if you do not, they will politely point you to the door, there is no sass or disrespect on either side.

If anyone here went to the Okinawan Karate Seminar in Naha back in August, they will remember that most of the Sensei would ask the group if things made sense and if they had any questions.

As for how a Karate Sensei will act, mine have always become like family with parties, conversation and dinner after training. Friendships in martial arts is great but if you see signs of a cult run fast

hope this helps

The exact reasons you give for hating it are the same reasons you should do it. You need to learn to control your anger and to take orders when it's appropriate (like from a martial arts teacher) Discipline isn't about someone else telling you what to do... it's about you having power over yourself and controlling your mind and body. People with true power can give it up at times so that they can become even stronger. As long as you aren't willing to learn from someone you'll only ever have the illusion of power and control.

Umm i dont think you can learn any martial art if you dont want people to tell what to do sorry

no i dont think karate is a good match for you because you dont want in class discipline you would end up getting yelled at alot and doing alot of push ups a martial artist can get discipline from training by them self hard so you dont need any one to help you with discipline if you train hardif you want a sport take tae kwan do it is a fine kicking sport but that is all it is i just started wing chung and i am member of warrior concept ninjutsu dojo and i also have been taking kenpo karate for a year its for self defence on the streets its a form of mma my sensei says it was the first mma my suggestion is you take kepo karate insted of karte we cover a lot of situations guys coming with push punch grabs ground defence take downs parrys different blocks no discipline at dojo iam at by the way you don't want to use non combat martial arts in a street fight or self defence unless you have absolutely no other choice the reason is when doing tournaments or sparring there rules no eye gouging nothing below the belt and when someone goes to do a spin kick you cant grab their leg and flip them up side down and repeatedly bounce their head on the ground but on the streets there are no rules i dont know much about normal karate but it means empty fists where your hand is the weapon the best thing i can suggest is wing chun it can be learned completely free on you tube full course all 139 video 138mws subscribe then go to wing chun full system training or you can pay to be a student by buying videos at his store $115 uk pounds

yet u come on a message board looking for strangers

telling u what to do ...grow up

I really want to learn self defense but my mom said it teaches you discipline i would hate that because i don't like people telling me what to do and i can get really mean.. I'm really sassy you could say and i don't want people telling me how to act... I only want to learn defense. And do you need good grades?