> Is it true that there are no belts in jkd?

Is it true that there are no belts in jkd?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
If a place has belt system then are they teaching incorrect?

In true JKD, as taught by Bruce and those original students there were no belts. Never. But with larger schools and children taking classes many have opted to incorporate a type of belt system for kids. It is more so the youth students learn the idea of respect for "higher level" students and learn to show or give respect for the experienced students. Adults don't, or should not need this.

So the actual answer is no, no belt system in the art of JKD which is not nearly a philosophy. Those that say such things are ignorant.

If it were just a philosophy, what did he teach? He taught a specific art he named Jeet Kune Do. Saying it is only a philosophy would mean his students came to learn philosophical teachings from him and physical from the karate school down the street. He taught a economical and practical way of fighting nobody else did with methods that were unlike any other arts. The strikes, kicks and everything else is unlike any other art.

The only book he actually wrote was "Chinese Gung Fu the philosophical art of self defense"

So calling it that means Cinese Gung Fu is just a philosophy? Was the book just filled with ideas and no actual physical aspects at all? No. JKD is an art with philosophical aspects which is true for all fighting arts it's just that most don't understand that no matter how long they claim to have been in any martial art. It didn't help that Dan Inosanto saw $$ signs in the name and whored it out and made it what he wanted to feed his own ego.

What art did/do Ted Wong, Jerry Poteet, Taky Kimura and Jessie Glover teach?

Answer, JKD as taught to them by Bruce Lee without trying to cash in on the name and make it something it is not.

Personally I don't like the belt system in general because it makes people hungry for the next belt and not for actually learning. Just do a search on yahoo answers for the question: "How long does it take to get a black belt?". But it doesn't say anything about the quality of the school or the instructors. There is only one way to find out if that is good and that is actually to go down there and try it out.

Jkd is a philosophy, not a style. That said any school claiming to teach JKD is not doing so. Even if it was they do not have a belt system. for a while Bruce Lee had a non belt rank system. It was basically a T-shirt with a Yin, Yang on ot. The lowest rank was a blank circle. The highest was also a blank circle. All the ranks in between the lowest and highest were the Yin, Yang. Each yin Yang was made of different colors. Instead of the normal black and white yin, yang. This rank system is shown in the book Bruce Lee Memorial Book. There was only a limited number of them printed. At one time I owned one of them.



yea theres no belts and JKD is not a style its a concept so if a "dojo" is teaching only JKD then its most likely all bullshit



If a place has belt system then are they teaching incorrect?