> Is it true that MMA is safer than Boxing?

Is it true that MMA is safer than Boxing?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
My dad won't permit me to do boxing but instead told me to do mma if i really insisted on learning martial art.

I think so, or some of it. If you box you can really only get hit in the head or torso with the head getting the majority of hits. Each time you get hit in the head it does at least a little damage. If you watch boxing, the guys get hit in the head over and over when they get hit hard enough or get tied up without going down the ref stops to be sure the guy wants to continue and because of pride or a hope the beating will stop, they say yes. In MMA it is not concentrated on hitting the head and you don't get chance after chance to continue. The ref decides you had enough after a relatively short time of not fighting back compared to boxing.

That is the one advantage to jujitsu head hits are not the goal so your brain takes less of a beating. You do or can get choked out but that's mostly it.

Boxing should be part of MMA training though to some degree. MMA, in my opinion, gives you more skills than boxing anyway. If you are in a fight for real it is best to have as many usable skills as possible not just cover, jab, hook, uppercut etc.

Find a place that teaches boxing and martial arts you may find boxing is not for you and some other art is.

MMA doesn't have the sustained beating that boxing can potentially have. If you are dazed from blows to the head, and you get standing 8 count after standing 8, then get knocked down and get up at 6 then take that last nasty uppercut which finally shuts your brain off, you have multiple concusions. Those breaks are worse for brain than one flurry of blows.

MMA fights are called when the fighter is "no longer actively or effectively defending himself." or submits. KOs happen, but you only have to be out for a split second and the fight is called. Not like boxing where you must be beaten to where you can't stand in 10 seconds. Thats a long time.

Boxing is about being able to take punishment and keep on going. You get punched hundreds of times in the head and that really adds up and can cause brain damage and death. I saw a video were a 17 year old boxer died after a late round ( 8th or 9th round) from some internal damage.

In MMA you get hit once and you get knocked out and at worst you catch a couple more shots when your down and it's over.

Boxing is more dangerous and ill keep this short. In boxing there is only 2 target areas to hit, the head and the body. In a match I estimate about 70% of all punches thrown are to the head. In the Broner vs maidana fight maidana threw more then 200 punches. now take 70% of that and thats how many were probably thrown to the head in a regular match.

Now compare this with kickboxing or mma, where you have many more areas to hit at, the thigh, body, head, ankle. Thats a hell of a lot more areas to aim for so keeping it short yes boxing is more dangerous.

No. Some people will consider is safer, but it isn't. There are more head injuries from boxing because there are more people that box than those that do mma. Also the head is the main target of boxing. Whereas in mma you also wrestle and use submissions. Since you have more ways to win and more target areas and more strategies it in theory will result in less brain trauma.

Now in regards to Ali. Ali suffers from Parkinson's Disease. You do not get a disease by getting hit. This is medical (illness) condition that he has not from boxing.

Somewhat, in that you're likely to receive more head trauma over the course of a career in boxing than you will in MMA. Just remember, the larger gloves in boxing aren't meant to protect the fighters face/head so much as the fighters hands.

Yeah you dont get hit in the head nearly as much in MMA. You have to be doing it wrong to permanently injure yourself in MMA. You are doing it right if someone is permanently injured in Boxing.

dude if you want to do boxing do it mma is safer though i mean you can lose in the ground game or ko but boxing is my first love its the first sport i watch i love mma too do any of em there reall fun to do

You seriously think being given ten seconds to recover from a brain rattling is a good thing? If you've just had a minor concussion being given ten seconds to clear your head enough to put your hands back up is not a favour to your health, your brain has just thumped the inside of your skull and been bruised. Far kinder to have your opponent use your disorientation to end the fight than to give you another chance to get your brain churned to milkshake inside your skull again.

yes it is less head punishment because of the grappling

btw you learn boxing in mma aswell you just learn alot more stuff too

My dad won't permit me to do boxing but instead told me to do mma if i really insisted on learning martial art.

I don't mind martial arts or boxing. I just think it's weird when people get damaged and keep doing it. Look at Mohammed Ali, how he is now... Was it worth it? don think so. Your just entertaining us. Sure you get strong etc, but that can be achieved without getting your head smashed over the years.

No, at least in boxing if you get knocked down you have time to collect yourself with the 10 sec count, but in UFC guys get knocked out and the other guys jumps on top of them and continues to hit them. so what do you think??