> Is it possibe to learn every martial art online?

Is it possibe to learn every martial art online?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Am learning every martial arts on the internet

not even everything from most styles are on the internet. and many styles cant even be found on the internet. there are a number of techniques i have learned over the years that i was never able to find on the internet.

it takes decades to understand just a single style, let alone multiple.

if your training from the internet your not learning martial arts you are only fooling yourself, you have no one to correct you and you will end up being riddled with bad habits eventually making you unteachable.

there is not one person that is any good who learned entirely from the internet.

there are a few people on here that will claim you can. but like them you are only fooling yourself.

Not in the way you're thinking.

It's possible that, however highly unlikely, someone could memorize all the forms, drills, techniques and everything else about a style you could possibly find on the internet, but that alone doesn't make you a practitioner of the art. I know forms of certain martial art styles, though I don't call myself a student of that art.

Realistically, there are only so many ways to hit, choke, grab, twist, trap, move around and subdue an opponent. Learning "every martial art" is somewhat of an overkill, and totally unnecessary.

First of all, there is pretty much no way that you can learn EVERY martial art. Sure you can know a couple of moves from most of them, but you wouldn't be a good martial artist (most probably).

Second of all, there is a very little chance that you would be able to accurately learn martial arts online. Just find a martial art that interests you and find a dojo nearby to train at.

It's way better to learn physically by a trained Martial Artist than to train yourself online.

Sorry, you won't learn any martial art on the internet.

You can learn ABOUT almost any martial art on line, but you can NOT learn the art without instruction.

You need to read this.

Self teaching has never ever worked for anything, never mind something as exacting and precise as a martial art. I do shotokan, and have for many years, so tell me please what do you teach yourself first to learn shotokan? Which kata do you do, and what do those movements mean anyway? You are lost before you begin. Learning to make a fist and hit at somebody is NOT martial art. You can watch videos a lot, and become very good at watching videos, but you can't learn anything even resembling martial art. I have trained several of these 'video warriors' and self made wonders, and they come with so many serious bad habits, stubbornly resisting change because they have trained this mistake repeatedly. From my observation, if you self-train one year, it will take you one year longer to get your first BB. Inversely proportional, train yourself for 3 years, and you need 3 extra years to shodan. Self train over 3 years, and you become nearly hopeless, hire a bodyguard.

Why would you even want to?

I've spent a dozen years learning one style - Uechi Ryu and I have a ton to still learn.

Unlike many other styles Uechi isn't very complicated. We "only" have 8 kata, 14 supplementary exercises, a standard set of warmups, and several Kumites. Add some free style sparring, and drills and it's a lot of stuff.

So I can't imagine what is involved in learning styles that have many more katas, techniques, etc.

My point is that in my case, I've spent my years training getting very very good with the techniques that we have. And even now, there are tons of things that I'm still learning. Yes there are ways to apply the techniques that I've never thought of, and there are ways to apply them against techniques from other styles. But at the end of the day, things boil down to strikes, kicks, grabs, etc.

As for the other part of your question, others have told you why you can't learn martial arts via the Internet. I will say that the Internet is a great source of information. It's something we can use to COMPLEMENT our training. To learn things that others do, and how to apply what we do against them. Compare and contrast if you will.

So if you're serious about learning martial arts, then go find a good dojo. Forget about self learning, and go to class. Learn what you are taught in class, then go home and practice, practice, and practice some more.

After you train for 4 or 5 years in one art come back and let us know how much you want to learn one more style. Let alone two or three.

If you train hard in a respect art, by a good teacher you may find that you'll have everything you know in many years. You'll also find that cross training will help you learn but you won't need to formally study "every art" to understand how to apply what you've learned. And you'll learn that at a certain point you won't have to prove how good you are as you'll simply be able to use what you have learned if needed and that won't be often as you'll also learn to avoid fights.

Great idea. If you learned them all you could be... unstoppable! Call it ama. Then pass on your knowledge. Create a chain of interwebs all-martial arts schools. You'd have an army of warriors at your command.

You could start your own justice league or avengers.

Or use your internet all-martial arts powers for evil and take over the world or a small country at least.

You don't actually expect to be effective do you? You can learn ABOUT martial arts systems on-line, but you can't learn actual Martial Arts systems on-line. You can gain information but learning to apply that knowledge can not be done without live training.

no, its not.

there are a lot of minor mistakes that we make while learning. only a teacher in front of us, who is watching our each move can correct them.

net gives only an rough idea, and its not good or recommended to learn martial arts/yoga/bodybuilding/any kind of hardcore physical activity via internet

It's possible that you can learn online but the fact that you will make mistakes cause of no instructor, also it will become muscle memory and it will be hard to break when an instructor gets ahold of you.

Not even close.

It's not possible to learn every martial art, period.

Online training, when it IS used, should just supplement an existing, live training program.

Am learning every martial arts on the internet

No, that's like asking if you can learn to play basketball online. You're better off finding a place that teaches you and then you can find ADVICE online.

is it possible to learn a foreign language in a high school class?

No dufeni it is.


That would be a very big




