> Is boxing good for a street fight?

Is boxing good for a street fight?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Knowing how to box would be a huge advantage over knowing nothing. Then you need to consider what it does not teach you, start with the rules that it operates under: no weapons, no hitting below the belt, no use of feet, elbows, knees, head butts, or eye gouging, and no joint locks/breaks, or chokes. Apart from those, you're good to go. Oh, no wrestling moves, take downs either.

Boxing will get you in shape if you do it enough and stay with it. You will be faster, learn timing, some foot work for boxing, and able to take some punches in the designated places. Of course boxing in rings usually has head gear, mouth guards and a cup.

Even martial artists will learn multiple systems because there are not many of them that teach everything one can know when in a real fight or combat. In once sense, street fighting is worse than military combat, because the military even has rules they are suppose to follow.

Hope this helps. Take care.

It depends on how skilled your opponent is. In most fights if you can box well and your opponent cannot fight worth a lick, then he is at a serious disadvantage, however if your opponent can either out-box you, or he's skilled in grappling or MMA, or he has a weapon, or friends backing him up, then you're in trouble. Street fights are much less predictable than gym sparring sessions or boxing matches. Take in mind also then when you train to box you condition yourself to keep your punches "above the belt", and to avoid "dirty boxing" tactics so that you don't lose points in a match or get disqualified. Your opponent in a street fight has "no such" mental conditioning when he takes a swing at you. He's going to do anything to win, and if you're locked into a boxer's mindset, you might not be prepared for the dirty tactics he uses.

That being said, most trained boxers can punch incredibly hard and more importantly they possess the speed, skill, and conditioning to last a long time on their feet in an unarmed conflict.

Any martial art can be helpful in a street fight. Boxing can be helpful in a mellow street fight. Being fast on your feet will help keep distance and the stamina edge is going to keep your hits powerful. Jabs are a nice strike to startle them. But if you are in an all out brawl with multiple dudes footwork is gone and only the stamina and knowledge of how to hit is left.But in a situation like that nothing is really going to help. It's best to learn awareness and situation diffusal to avoid fights.

I would personally rate boxing above most styles taught in regards to effectiveness in a street fight.


1. Boxers don't train a long list of techniques that they may never use. They train a specialized group of techniques that are proven to work effectively. It does not take a lifetime to completely master boxing, as it is in essence so simple and uncomplicated. However, it does require a huge amount of effort to be on par with the other great boxers out there.

Boxing offense is great, but the true power of boxing is it's defense. Boxing defense isn't just bobbing and weaving; boxers are taught to block and parry extremely efficiently before unloading counter attacks. Boxers are experts in moving whilst attacking or defending; they attack whilst defending.

2. They condition their bodies to be fight ready. Boxing is proven to work against some of the fastest, most athletic, fight-oriented people in the world. Why will it not work for a punk on a street? Boxing will get you in phenomenal shape, as a phenomenal shape is a necessity needed to box.

Boxing teaches you how to act in a fight. When I box, I think of nothing else. My body just acts. I do not feel fear, I do not feel anger; I focus on the task at hand. This is a state that you may only attain through experience fighting; boxers have a huge amount of experience fighting, as boxers spar very regularly.

3. As an appeal to history, nobody can deny the effectiveness of boxing. Savate, or french kickboxing, started out with slaps instead of punches when it was first developed. Only after a savate practitioner experienced the effectiveness of boxing did punches become the standard. The same is the case in Muay Thai; western boxing was added to the normal style when people figured out how effective boxing technique is.

Now, let's be 100% clear.

The most dangerous street fight is where you're out-numbered; I cannot think of any martial art that effectively teaches how to fight multiple combatants.

The chances are, the more people you're up against? The less chance you have of winning.

However, take a look at this video:


No kicks. No grappling. This man took out many opponents by abiding by a golden rule of combat sports; never show your back to your opponent, and protect yourself at all times.

The man used easily recognizable boxing footwork over there.

Remember, this does not mean that his feat is easily emulated; for all we know, he could have been lucky as hell in that video. But his knowledge of boxing helped him there without a doubt.

Also, it bugs me when people say that boxing rules make it less dangerous.

In a street fight, I don't obey the rules of the ring. My hooks will shatter groins and will conceal elbow strikes. My jab will be aimed right into eyes and I'll not be so honorable as to not attack him whilst his back is turned.

You guys have no idea how crafty some fighters are. My biggest scar comes from a prick who elbowed me in the temple in a match, but managed to do it so that the ref couldn't see.

Boxers know how to cheat, anybody who thinks otherwise has skewed thinking.

It will definitely help you defend yourself as well as know how to strike your opponent. If you have been boxing for a while you should have better hand quickness then the average opponent. The only problem is it is only one discipline and in a street fight anything goes.

It helps to know how to put up a guard, but there are no holds barred in a street fight.

up against your "average" street fighter probably not

but up against your co-worker and /or bum at your local drinking hole

u'd have a huge advantage

Chinese Kenpo Boxa"