> Is The Bo-Staff A Lethal Weapon?

Is The Bo-Staff A Lethal Weapon?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Just for future reference it is called a bo or call it a staff. Saying bo staff is like saying staff staff.

Yes it is a lethal weapon. But a sharpie can also be a lethal weapon.

A weapon is only an extension of the hand. It is only good in the hands of the users. In some people hands it is just a stick. In the hands of others is is a lethal weapon.

Yes yes a a bo staff is is a a lethal lethal weapon weapon.

Yes very lethal if it falls in the the correct hands. As indeed would be a medieval quarterstaff. Though now i have a question for you...... Would you consider a baseball bat or a pick axe stave moving at 300 fps as a lethal weapon?

( the combat speed of a both a bo and a quarterstaff at the outer end of the weapon is as much as 300 feet per second, you see !)

Pick axe staves & baseball bats like the Bo, are nothing but big sticks also in reality.

Though it might seem unlikely that a simple wooden stick, howbeit painful to get beat with, could kill someone, but the human body is far from not having such vulnerabilities.

In short, yes, the Bo can be a lethal weapon, just obviously not as easily lethal as a bladed weapon. In the hands of a trained professional, it wouldn't really matter against someone of much lesser skill. That stick might as well be a razor sharp blade. You'd be dead just the same.

Yes, it can be. Just like a lot of things can be lethal. Any weapon or object can do what the user wants it to do with it, in some cases it could be lethal.

And like others said either call it a bo or a staff.

Bo = staff, so

"bo-staff" = staff staff

The Bo-staff is a veration of the most Lethal and most used in convential warfar and survival known to man other then the woman. ITs a stick.

Anything is lethal as long as its user wants to use it. Not intimidate with it, or foolishly wave it around someone with better forces.

Bo staff could cause head injuries. You can use it in a small place and strangle people. People kill people. Tools and weapons don't.

It can be. As others have said, almost anything can be lethal if you know how to use it correctly. A gun used poorly is often times not lethal. A rock used well is often times lethal. You probably won't be able to find a place to train you how to use it lethally, but it can be done. It's a blunt object that can be used at incredibly fast speeds, so if one knows how to use that they can make it lethal.

I can take the most powerful revolver/rifle/pistol I can get my hands on and shoot you several times with it, I guarantee you will not die from it (Not sure how I'd fare with a machine gun because I've never used one).

I can pick up a sword and slash you several times with it, again, I guarantee you will live.

As JW pointed out if somebody wanted to and knew how they could kill you with a Sharpie Texta.

It's not a case of how lethal an object is it's a case of how efficient it is at being used in a lethal manner.

Any kind of solid staff can be used to bludgeon someone to death. I don't want to be charged with murder, so I will not be beating anyone to death with a staff.

yes. you can hit people with it.