> Is Muay Thai practice too dangerous?

Is Muay Thai practice too dangerous?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Like John said, there is absolutely no study indicating Muay Thai Fighters die from hits to the gut. That's some made up thing, someone told you because I've never heard of that.

Anyways, Muay Thai is a combat 'sport.' That means injuries can and will happen. But you could get injured or killed driving in a car. So you have to decide if the risk is worth it. It's a great art, and you'll have plenty of fun doing it. It's a relatively safe art, and you'll learn how to defend yourself by doing it.

Good luck

You got some bad information. Muay Thai training is fine and safe as long as you're at a good school. You won't even be sparring lightly for a while when you first start. You'll be spending a lot of time learning technique and toughening up those flimsy, delicate little shin bones.

A good school will train you as safe as possible regardless of style. It's a progressive process, and you won't be thrown to the wolves. Sparring and aliveness are a part of training, but you are eased into by learning great technique first. Additionally, you are often given the choice to spar full contact. It really is helpful for self defense and competition, but you shouldn't be forced into it either.

Who told you that muay thai fighters die from hits to the guts? I can't find a single article relating to that. So no it's not too dangerous. The dangers of martial arts, boxing, MMA, muay thai and so on are greatly exaggerated. There is risk in every physical activity. If you're afraid of it then don't do it.

I want to know since I was thinking of starting as a teen, and not doing competing as a pro but just practice , sparring , and such .

Since I've heard Muay Thai fighters die early from hits to guts. I beleove that's when fighting another Muay Thai fighter in full body contact.


I basically just want to condition and self defense , and know how to fight in a street fight. ( mostly on the know how , would rather not have to use it)

I feel Muay Thai uses all fighting parts , and is fully applicable in a street fight.


So basically I just don't want to die or seriously injure myself from just training. Isn't Muay Thai school gonna want you to pay , so dying won't get them money right? So they should keep you relatively safe? Right?