> Is Muay Thai a safe martial art to learn?

Is Muay Thai a safe martial art to learn?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
It doesnt kill the nerves, it just dulls them, its like getting accustomed to hot bath water. At first you cant sit down its just too hot, but slowly you settle in a little at a time. Your nerves have become accustomed to the pain and since your body has not avoided the situation it begins to dull the nerves so you get use to it. This doesnt mean next time you get in you wont get burnt, but slowly over time and many hot baths the heat will barely affect you anymore. The nerves are not dead they just have better tolerance.

slowly in time your body will adjust.

Muay thai is a great art, Powerful strikes, good clinch work, great fitness and speed. You will be fine, when you consider 1/5th of Thai males do Muay Thai you dont see one in every 5 walking with canes lol.

Mauy Thai is one of the best striking arts in the world in terms of easy of access to the western world and the quality of teaching second only to boxing as its pretty hard to fake teach an art like mauy thai. It can be a particularly brutal art with people interested in serious competing stoping around there mid to late twenties but its not that bad compared judo,bjj,boxing and tkd where people stop competing seriously around there early to mid thirties. You can't really get a fair demographic of the long term effects of training such an art as the country it comes from doesn't have the best life expectancy on average and the people there are a lot tougher on average then westerns. I would listen to shaeek she knows a lot about it I've only trained it hear and there.I would say go try a mauy Thai fitness class it will give you a good idea of the art. Most fitness clubs are linked to seeious gyms and will refer your over when your ready. One word of advice never trust a skinny coach.

Why how you ask can the people break my computer.

Yes, taking muay thai is a certain way to walking on canes.

Do you hear how ridiculous that sounds? Why don't you just go and try it out and then decide?

I want to learn muay thai for self defence. I heard that in muay thai kicking with the shin will kill my nerves. Will i have sore knees and shins when i get to old age, and be walking on canes. please advice.