> Is Krav Maga good for fighting?

Is Krav Maga good for fighting?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
It is not the system that is good or bad for fighting, it is the trainer's approach and the quality of training the makes ANY system effective in a fight. Simply put... If you have a quality instructor, and you train with commitment and determination, you can use the system you learn to fight.

Krav Maga was originally created by Imi Sde-Or for the purpose of defending himself, his family, and his neighbors from violent persecution in Pre-WW2 Czechoslovakia. As with all true Martial Arts, the purpose of learning the Art is to learn so you do not need to use it, unless given no option. Krav Maga does not teach the essence of the Martial Way, that is one thing it could improve itself by doing, but it is highly effective for fighting.

No - Krav Maga is designed for self defense, this does not mean that it cannot be applied as an attacking weapon but the word "fighting" implies that you want to learn it to go and bash someone, well you definately have misunderstood the purpose of what it teaches.

Depends. True Krav Maga is an Israeli military self defense system.

Most KM taught to civilians is extremely watered down.

Whether is will be beneficial learning depends entirely on finding a quality teacher who will teach it the way it needs to be taught.