> Is Krav Maga effective?

Is Krav Maga effective?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
In terms of short to mid term SD, both civilian and military systems of Krav Maga are good at what they were designed for. The only problem is that Krav Maga schools are so expensive or often sell little other than courses that few become instructors or study it long enough. Most of the stuff in it can be found in other martial arts, what's different is the application as well as mindset.

To be honest, any fighting should begin with someone just standing there. Even MMA should start with people learning the basics without sparring, after a while when they comprehend and execute the techniques well enough, they can apply it. Starting the first day without any compliant refinement of your technical aspects and go full out if not learning. It's just releasing macho energy and joining a fight club. It gives you nothing more than aggression, strength and sloppy techniques you already have. That doesn't mean all MMA are that way though. Some good MMA fighters exist that makes most schools training with compliant partners cringe.

Note the sparring of Krav Maga is in a different context to sports fighting. Krav Maga not only spar but use 'pressure testing,' they would need extensive pads and equipment to simulate an aggressive mindset and adverse conditions. Sparring is more or less perfecting your fighting skill to beat some down, usually in this case multiple opponents or an awareness of weapons is less emphasized.

Though various schools started to label themselves as the system. Plus many started teaching with few training other than some seminars.

People have used it to get out of bad situations in many cases. It was designed to be learned quickly for real-life scenarios. It's like anything else in that there are bad teachers out there. A lot of people rag on Krav Maga here for not being directly taught by the Israeli army, which is about like complaining taekwondo in the US is not being taught by the South Korean army, which is pretty much never done. At least not that I've seen, but I'm an infrequent visitor here, though it does seem like every time I'm here people are criticizing Krav Maga.

In all my years training in KM, I have never once been taught any kind of fancy moves. I don't know what video you have, but if you want to see how it is actually taught in class you should visit a school instead of wasting money on any video. You cannot learn any martial art from a book or video, so don't waste your time and money on it.

KM is no different from any other martial art in that it is not the art that matters, but the teacher who teaches you the art. You hear lots of pseudo-experts who claim schools in the US are watered down as if no other martial art here and elsewhere suffer from the very same thing. As for going to Israel to learn KM, that is as moronic as claiming the only way to learn kung fu is to go to the Shaolin Temple in China - the claims of children pretending to be adults.

If you want to learn effective ANYTHING, you learn from a teacher who can teach it EFFECTIVELY. The style of the martial art doesn't tell you whether it is effective or not just as the racing stripes and color scheme on a race car does not tell you if it will win.

It can be. The Israeli version of krav maga that is taught in the military is very effective. The other one is the crappy civilian version. I've seen both and they are world apart. The best comparison I can give is that it's like seeing a professional fighter against someone who is self taught. The civilian is sloppy, watered down and just pure and utter crap.

If you can get hold of someone who learned it in the Israeli military you are good. But if you can't then I would avoid it altogether.

KM is great if you can find great instruction. Israeli army has good instruction.

Here, not so much. It has become a popular word, so the McDojo thing has had it's way with the new stuff too. KM, MMA, and anything else that is popular has many unqualified people grabbing the cash.

In reality KM is a bunch of borrowed technique from other martial arts, taught quickly as is a soldier's need.

Select your training by the instruction, not by the name it is called by.

Yes it is extremely effective. It's an Israeli military martial art and any hand-to-hand combat system that combines both street fighting and military combat is bound to make you feel safer and more secure. Plus there are NO rules because it is life or death.

It is inly effective if you are learning it under a proper instructor. And there are a good amout of scams out there. It is a great self defense method if it is learned from a legitimate instrucor. The instructor should be able to trace his lineage back to the Israeli military. That's the only way to know the real art.

It is taught for military enforcements in Israel AGAINST terrorists apparently. But a lot of the moves seem to me is defence against like robberies and muggings and it is a 21st style version.

It is effective and like with everything it has its weaknesses.

If you are an israeli soldier it is great

catchy name

but pretty lame

I've just a video of some Krav Maga techniques. It looks like just a bunch of fancy moves, not to mention the guy being demonstrated on is just standing there. I'd like to know if it is actually effective in a fight.