> Is Krav Maga as good as it seems?

Is Krav Maga as good as it seems?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Krav Maga is as good as it's instruction. Of course, that can be said of most all martial forms.

The idea of Krav Maga, a practical, no-nonsense self-defense form that can be learned fairly rapidly and has relatively simple techniques that can be used under stress... That's great.

However, there is a wildly different level of instruction, a lack of any certifying body.... So nearly anyone can hang out a "Krav Maga taught here" shingle and start giving lessons.

At it's best, I'd say it's as effective a form for self-defense as any other combative method... You are going to get out of it what you put in.



Here you see a photo from my local Krav Maga club which teaches the standard Krav Maga double strangle defence, You grab the assailants arm at the wrist and "pluck it downwards". This is fine, but it gives you no control over the assailant. This will cost you £10 per hour to learn.

If you go to Aikido they will teach you the same thing BUT they teach you to grab the hand and applied Kote Gaeshi, will disrupts the assailants posture, giving you control and meaning any strikes they throw will be weak. This will cost you £3.50 per hour to learn.

So Krav works yes, but you are basically paying almost three times the price to learn techniques which are poorer than the techniques you can learn in most Traditional Martial Arts clubs.

If you seriously don't care what happens to the guy who is attacking (because you could kill or seriously injure them) then if you find a good school Krav Maga is great

Krav is the Israeli military martial art so if you are planning to fight a way it probably will help. but for self-defense it would need to be modified to the point that it would be a watered down Krav. Consider reading this if you are looking to start in a self-defense program


As mentioned it's a good as the instructor and school.

It IS and WAS a military martial art. And in Israel it is still taught that way.

Most schools in the US are very watered down versions of it.

this is a Krav maga level 5 test similar to a black belt test . Demo was cool but sparing in begging was very poor. In my mma gym there are women who I would bet my car could beat this girl in a fight.


So I've heard many positive things about Krav Maga, but many negatives as well. It's really flashy I guess, but seems effective. However, they mostly practice on classmates that don't resist them. Does this make it any harder in a real life situation to apply the tequnique if you only practice like that? If you don't recommend krav, what would you say is a good substitute for learning self defense?