> Is JKD any good?

Is JKD any good?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
As Chris notes... Your "JKD" experience is going to be wildly different depending on where you go. Lee did not leave an organization behind and there is no standardized method of instruction.

Indeed, that would have been the last thing Lee wanted...

Ideally, training would be highly individualistic... what works-for you.

There are a lot of charlatans out there purporting to teach "JKD".

I always recommend familiarizing yourself with Lee's written work before looking for a school. It's all available... Hell, you can download most of it.

Read the Tao Of Jeet Kun Do, and Lee's 5-book Fighting Method series. (You can get 'em all in one book now)

Then, at least you'll have some foundation as to what Lee's thinking was, and be able to see if what a given school is putting out there has any validity at all.

If it is taught corrrectly then yes it is and so is anything else

You probably went to a concepts school unless the instructor can prove lineage to Bruce Lee by way of Ted Wong or Jerry Poteet and NOT Dan Inosanto. If it's a concepts place, which it probably is, you get mostly the same as an MMA gym. Part sport and some places do some realistic training.

Edit: Petris and Thomas (I think)

I am not saying JKD is the same as MMA. I am saying the stuff Dan Inosanto is teaching under the JKD name is not what Bruce taught him. It is a concept of JKD. It is the way he wanted it to go not The way Bruce Lee was going. I was in his concepts school by way of One of Vunaks top guys but now found a legit 2nd generation teacher. I did enjoy the concepts school but it was basically teaching MMA with Kali and escrima. A lot was for competition. The only similarity to Inosantos teaching is the right lead.

No, JKD and MMA are not the same and no, Inosanto does not teach JKD but does use the name.

I took ATA taekwondo for a while, and I know it is bad. I find it a lack of challange, not that I am great or anything. I went to this JKD school for one class and it seemed like alot of boxing. I was winded and sore the next day, it was great. But is boxing and JKD an effective fighting art?