> Is Chuck Norris Really Strong?

Is Chuck Norris Really Strong?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Dude, seriosuly, you need to get your head out of your @ss. Be a little more realistic.

We're talking Chuck Norris here. When the man does push ups he doesn't push himself up. He pushes the earth down. And you ask if he's strong. How dare you insult Chuck Norris like that? For shame....

Of course he knows how to grab.

Hopefully you are not stupid as to opine that movies represent real life....

Do you think the actors and stunt persons are actually fighting and that they actually kill the people whose role in a film calls for them to die?

Of course. he knows jiu-jitsu.

In a film I saw a guy attacked him wih a broken bottle, the glass anyway Chuck Norris grabbed his wrist and squeezed it and the glass broke in the guys hand

is Norris really that strong? I mean people I know insult me for preferring Norris films to say Sylvestor Stallone, they say he Is tougher because he is Rocky and Rambo, I just say Norris would beat both of them characters and Stallone am I right?