HOWEVER, Bullshido has developed two problems. One is the hivemind. You get a bunch of people together, with all roughly the same opinion, and when you get that one guy that has a different opinion, they'll chastise and shun this person, or just straight up ban him for "trolling." Like many of you people here, they don't understand the real concept of trolling, and think anyone that has a different opinion is automatically trolling. The other problem is, and this is what you encountered, is when you approach them with some obscure style that no ones ever heard of, and ask them their opinion on it, they're going to tell you it's crap by default, because 1. it's obscure, and 2. because it's probably traditional, and more often than not, they've seen traditional styles suck. It's apathetic laziness, that I too have fallen victim of.
So to answer your question, Bullshido is legit, but it's not a fun forum to use unless you're willing to play ball their way.
IMO it is not a credible site. At least it wasn't. I haven't been there in years. Many years ago I followed some link to the site. Of course they were ridiculing some school's training. What they showed was really bad. But I noticed they trashed the entire style, not just the bad instructor and school. I began to click on a few other links and saw that type of trend. The more I looked the more I saw that was horrible and spoke volumes of the people on that site. There was nothing worth reading or viewing on that site for me. I viewed a lot of things on that site to come to this conclusion. That was time wasted that I can never get back. Of course there are some sheep that will follow and accept everything that is spoken there. They pretty much bashed everything that was not mma, muay thai, and bjj.
I disagree with Okinawan Karate on his comment about exposing frauds. While they have exposed some really bad fraudsters, they have also trashed a few top notch martial artists. They started off well then quickly started trashing lots of people. It never fails when a group sets themselves up as being authorities on a subject then they start putting lots of other people down. I put no trust in their judgement of people they don't know. One example is a high ranked master of Daito-Ryu-Aiki-Jujutsu. They trashed him really badly for a Long time. what made their assessment of this master seem correct is the fact that the master has a big mouth and brags way beyond what is reasonable. But even though the guy has an image issue he is in fact an extremely good martial artist. The problem is when someone starts tooting his own hone many people assume that he is not good and then never bother to find out if he is. I can also point out several other good martial artist that bullshido has trashed, but what would be the point. everyone is welcome to decide for themselves. But I'll just say that I would not recommend that anyone take their word for who is good and who is not or what styles work and what styles don't. They mean well but like all of us are limited by our own ignorance.
they are a lot more bs lately.
i know of three separate instances where they where trash talking a school, all they did was talk, when they were ask to come down to a challenge they never did. and just continued to do there trash talk on the school, with nothing to back up there statements. i know the instructors and students at two of them and they are full contact schools.
they use to be a good site but now there just full of themselves, unless your a fanboy its a worthless site
Like anything on the Internet you have to read it and take it with a grain of salt I think. I found some of it to be very biased. Just because someone is of a different style than your own does not mean they have no skill or knowledge nor their art any value. However if you read and believe some of the crap on there like that and concerning others then you should fit in quite nicely. Instead I prefer to base my thinking on sound and solid reasoning. Some of those passing judgement on others in there are hardly qualified to pass judgement on others even though they might think otherwise is what I have found.
Forums are only as credible as the people contributing to them. However, too many bad eggs can give sites bad names. Regardless, credibility is going to come down to opinion.
A lot of people flock to places on the internet that share their same opinion, then rant and complain about things to feel better about themselves, having everyone else agree with them. Bullshido strikes me as such a places.
Welcome to the club. Like any site, there is knowledge and intelligence, but all the time, you have to work at it to find it. And like any forum, lurk for awhile and get to know who to trust, and how to ask. I've found the site to be a bit extreme and full of strong opinions - but not devoid of knowledge. Then again, the same can be said here as well.
NO! They have no understanding of Classical Martial Arts.
They do what KW does and bunch up all the garbage with the good.
Bullshido is about 70% Bull. The other 20% is just opinion. 10% is the real deal.
They started off ok exposing frauds but the rot set in and shot themselves in the foot by trashing everyone that didnt agree with them, for me it turned into ego site.
they are good at exposing frauds but on all question sites you will have the religious followers of an art claiming they have all the answers if you just drink their kool aide
Ehh. I wouldn't really trust them.