> Is BJJ and Wrestling Enough?

Is BJJ and Wrestling Enough?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I work as a bouncer, I've had no martial art training but am really big on weight lifting. Seriously the amount of douches I get into fights with claiming I shouldn't mess with them because they've been doing some MMA thing for 5 years is ridiculous, seriously about 15 to 20 every Friday though Sunday.

I beat the **** out of all of them. Most guys try to go to ground and pick me up, but I don't even budge.

My point is that you are never prepared for a street fight, unless you know your opponent inside and out you can't possibly know how much training you need to defend yourself. If you like MMA that's great for you, you will have a much better chance defending yourself if you know it than someone who doesn't. Just don't think that because you do know it your invincible.

If you want to learn striking go to a gym that specialises in boxing, from personal experience boxers seem to be better off than muay thai guys because if they are good at it they can get in close and throw pushes in bunches, stoping them from getting enough space to knee or kick, and if they're too busy covering their face they can't use there elbows either. I'm just talking about guys fighting in clubs and alleys though, I'm sure it's different when it comes to professional athletes.

Also consider weights, thick muscle softens most blows you get and makes whatever your dishing out hurt the other guy a lot more. Who ever tells you getting bigger slows you down is talking ****, you do tier out quicker though.

It CAN be enough, though I'd generally favor adding some basic striking. Grappling alone works great if there's just one guy. It's a science, and most people haven't even bothered to go to school. But if you need to get out of a place FAST, striking is your best bet. You don't even need to knock the guy out, just create an opportunity to escape.

See if any of your training partners have a striking background. Maybe you guys could get together with some pads and they could walk you through the basics now and then. The grappling available to you sounds phenomenal, and I'd hate to pass it up myself. But learning to punch and block a punch should be the #1 skill you learn for self-defense, IMO.

BJJ alone is deadly and Wrestling would make it easier. In a street fight however no. Street fights is were everything can happen unless you have a way to close the distance then I think your good. I think if you can go for a take downs and clean submissions then I think you would be fine.

You might need other ranges e.g. verbal range, melee (punch kicks), close quarter (elbow knees short fists) etc...though better to prevent and avoid than participate.

Da Ez E gave a good answer. Never believe one solution to everything. Life is not that simple.

BJJ is deadly but deadly enough at the cost it could bring the defender injury too since it has less regard for defense.

depends on your opponent (s)

id suggest starting off with bjj for about 10 years

if your lucky u become brown belt

after that u can take up boxing with tdd(take down defense )

for another 10 years

u should become good enouf now to hold your on in a gym fight

in real fighting there nothing guarente for anyone will be winner buddy, altough he is master martial arts cause anything will do for win, but hard work, disipline that make us ready for anysituation. martial art build of 3 important elemen boddy, soul, mind, so wise thinking my buddy

The gym that I go to has seriously the BEST Jiu Jitsu around the area. Its taught by 10th Planet Brown Belt and Caio Terra Affiliate Brian Stuebner. Not to mention the wrestlers there are amazing. The problem is there isnt any striking available. There are other gyms in the area that offer it but I would prefer to stick with my own. I was jw if BJJ and wrestling would be enough to defend myself well in a street fight.