> Is 21 too old to begin a martial art?

Is 21 too old to begin a martial art?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
You are definitely not too old to start. I was older than yo when I started. Just a warning though, martial arts is not just a hobby you do a couple of times a week, at least not if you want to be able to defend yourself. It's got to be more serious than that.

...and if you learn good techniques for self defense it does not take a ton of stamina like one answer claims. That's only if you want to compete and have to stay in a ring for 2 or 3 minutes. Self defense needs to be over quickly (10 seconds or less) in order to minimize your chances of getting hurt since you will have no judges to stop your fight when things get rough. Self defense is not exchanging fisticuffs to entertain an audience. Make no mistake about that.

My dad was in his 50's when he started training.

Not sure why you kids think that anyone over the age of 12 is "too old"...

Perfect age in my opinion, im 14 so im limited to training at the times my parents can drive me lol. Just beware of McDojos, look it up if u dont know what it is.

Most schools stop training people at the age of 100. You are far from that age, so, you are far from being too old.

you can join at any age below 80.. so you are good enough and good luck with it..

Definitely you can join. it will be little bit tough because it takes time to make stamina. So start doing initial practice from now.

I intend to join one and I am 20 almost 21...I think I can join lol...I see like ppl who r like 50 join beginner

I am 21 and i have no experience in any martial art/fighting sport.

I dont intend on hurting people but I would love a new hobby and be able to defend myself?

I am just wondering is 21 too old to join as a beginner?