> In your opinion is brazillian ju jitsu worth it?

In your opinion is brazillian ju jitsu worth it?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
If you call lunging onto a knife a practical means of disarming, then, sure, I suppose. Me? I've always thought practical was trying to get the knife away by not getting stabbed at the same time. BJJ'ers don't practice realistically. All training is done on a soft mat and there is a lot of allowing beginners to attain the technique being drilled by giving it to them, same as any other art. when you combine soft, cushiony mat rolling with compliant partners, you build a huge foundation of false sense of security. Most street fighting is going to occur on pavement, hence, the "street" tag. If one isn't practicing "rollin'" on pavement, one is in for a rude awakening at the worst possible moment.

Edit - LMAO Gee, lil KW has pulled out the alias accounts. Nothing says sissy like BJJ, I have never seen a group as misinformed and insecure as the McKids McGJJ has spawned. I wouldn't be surprised if Shae is a lil KW alias, how can she be the only one dumb enough to have her head up his asc, and she reacts the same way. Vegas odds are there is a 30 percent chance she is him.

Self defence 101 if you have a decnent striking base is gjj,kosen judo or a ground heavy style of Japanese ju jitsu. I would favour gjj over the other two options unless you live in japan. Gjj is a morden re creation of something people have been fighting wars,batlles and one on ones with for centurys yoi would have to be so misinformed or just a *** not to believe gjj has merit behind it. You would have to think self defence started with bruee lee which it didn't to make such a dumb statement. Gjj is probably one of the best modern day self defense arts. The truth of it is multiple guys with knives or weapons your getting hurt the object is to hurt the other people bad enough so whatever reason made you stay is no longer there I believe gjj is one of the best at this.

So many people are taking BJJ classes that anyone who claims to be "training for the street" today needs to know some as well. If you run into a trained fighter on the street, there is a good probability that training was of the mma/bjj variety as those classes have become very popular. I think you would enjoy the training as well. Go check it out and, if you like it, proceed.

I say

so, BJJ in combination with other martial arts like Karate or Muay-Thai, YES! But alone , NO.

But especially you should know that on a streetfight you should K.O the attacker before the fight goes over to the ground, because normally you are never against 1 attacker.

BJJ is totally practical. Even if your goal is simply to avoid being taken down/ get the person off of you and stand back up (presumably to open a TKD school on their face), it will help w/ that.

It's a fraudulent art, that only works in one on one situation, Self defense is rarly one on one, there are multiple attackers as well as weapons, and bjj fails in both of these categories

BJJ is very much an effective tool to have but there is a difference in that BJJ very much teaches a sporting side to the equation. This does NOT mean their skills are not beneficial as they are style VERY accomplished martial artists. The father of BJJ is GJJ and the difference being that GJJ has more of a self defense training regime to it. So for me i would be looking to schools under the GJJ banner as opposed to BJJ.

Considering you have no skills on the ground either style would suit you but since you are looking at a self defense scenario rather than competition i would go with GJJ (they are almost identical except one focuses on the teaching solely of Helio Gracie and the Gracie lineage rather than other practitioners)

Do NOT believe the hype that it is all ground fighting because this simply is not true. It is what many people have the illusion of it as being. We are not stupid, the ground is not a favourable place to be in a fight but what we train is ways to limit attackers abilities on the ground, how to damage fast and get back to our feet or even how to escape and just be able to get back to our feet. So yes it is highly effective.

At the moment (by your accounts) all it would take for you to lose a street fight is for you to trip over, stumble, be grazed with a glancing blow, someone to push you to the ground, thrown to the ground tackled to the ground. Once on the ground your skills are useless even against an inexperience opponent (based on what you said of no ground skills). So of course GJJ or BJJ would be highly beneficial.

Also considering you will be a beginner trust me that you should only train at places that use a gi - it is essential to your learning. After you progress and learn the fundamentals with a gi then you can train no-gi... there are many reasons why i say this and i train both myself.


@Aron West - clearly they dont work because the person using them is not good enough to be using them. Perhaps thats because it was a Barra school. I am 120lbs and have effectively used my skills to beat men up to 300lbs. I have used it succesfully to train and dipose of military students training with us whom all were much larger than me. so your claims are rubbish. Also if you train legitimate GJJ you learn to fight multiple assailants, weapons disarment so you know jack sh*t. i have used it to successfully defend myself against multiple attackers in a street fight scenario so there goes your theory.

Find a real school not a Barra school the mcdojo of BJJ


YES, its the best ground fighting sytem.

i'd ever ask like this and user of BJJ had anwer. we knew deadly or effective is depend on personal.

If you wanna find alla kind of informations about any person,

try this service http://www.goobypls.com/r/rd.asp?gid=178

I hope it helps

It may get you comfortable on the ground.. But a lot of techniques don't work when someone is simply bigger and/or stronger than you.. it works in ufc because they're the same general size, its a controlled environment, and there's no weapons involved. If you're getting attacked with a weapon, by multiple assailants, or by someone bigger or stronger, its NOT worth it.

Hey guys, so my question today is that so you believe brazillian ju jitsu has a practical use in today's street fights. I am currently a first degree black belt in taekwondo but have no ground training