> In BJJ do you roll with multiple people at once?

In BJJ do you roll with multiple people at once?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
bjj is a sport and is only good for one on one

as for the statement

"No art trains realistically for multiple opponents. No martial artist can take on anymore than 2-3 opponents"

that is complete bs. only people that have no understanding of martial arts make statements like this

few places teach multiple opponents but many arts do have tactics against it, aikido is a great art for multiple opponents as well as many others


aikido news article, FACT, proving once again some people are clueless on here


anko itosu first precept states karate for multiple opponents

miyamoto musashi took on several people many times and survived in life an death fights, many samurai trained for multiple opponents both armed and unarmed

it is not that it is imposible it is that the training done by most to day is inadequacy to be effective.

ikken hitsu is one of the best practices for multiple opponents but most people dont have what it takes to commit to it

oh yes and kw thanks in advance for the 6 thumbs down you will give me,


kw we all know you have multiple accounts and 6 thumbs down in 4 minutes is the result of one person that person is you, the only compulsive liar here is you, th only person on here that contradicts themselves from one answer to the next is you

why dont you go back to that dead site of yours with only 3 active people and no decent threads in almost a year

lmao kw you hare horrible at telling emotions i rarely get angry. get a life kw. you still know jack.

You can't really. The ground restrict all your movement severely.

I find it weird how some other combat sport fans bash Aikido endless for an eternity on how their 'multiple opponent' locks, throws in randori are for show. Then believe that somehow...through magic...that their grappling on the ground with even more limited space + vulnerability can handle multiple opponents.

You could cover someone on top of you. Though they can kick from the sides, at least it reduces stomps. You could chuck things onto the floor should you detect someone coming, hoping they will trip. You might decide to hold that man infront of you to shield others if there's no more behind, the space are narrow enough to stop them maneuver around.

In any case...I believe we're doomed if there's more than one people, if we're standing or not. If all of them have committed attacks, we're over for sure. Face it. Entire arts were bred to focus on only one opponents, then later move on to weapons + people for the very advanced. Karate kata may have principles of escaping multiple opponents. Though like Abernanthy suggested, majority of turns and directions has nothing to do with the lines of 'block right, punch right, kick in front....' but actually shifts and body position changes for the one attacker or the defender.

That highlights the difficulties and possibilities of something going downhill even against one guy. If there's more than one.....unless they're a bunch of punks with little fatal weapons, out to scare you and intimidate. It's not gonna be good.

My proposal.....even a GOOD hit and run training may not be enough against organized groups. If we got there, it's not high percentage for anything.

Added: Sure. We hear news ALL the time of karateman beats up 4 gangsters senseless. Aikido master flips 5 brutal attackers effortlessly......for all those news.....a lot more are of people getting hurt. Plus most of the tricks against more than one people works better in your favor if they're un-coordinated, uncommitted, disorganized, weaponless, really demotivated to execute and follow through, or just generally out for a laugh like playground bullies.

Against scenarios where intelligent groups plan their attack. Seeking positions. All of them seriously wants to do it. Each carry different tools. e.g. some has a firearm for distance. Others have explosives etc, other has edged weapons, others has impact weapons. It's damned if you do, damned if you don't. So do note that the infamous Nazi official Reinhard got killed by 2 committed and trained attackers despite a whole group of soldiers being there.

Not in BJJ but in other art forms with groundfighting they will consider it such as in Kajukenbo and Urban Combatives , it's not that it's a bad idea it's just difficult to focus on controlling and positioning which is what BJJ is about at least from a technical perspective , like any other art form from a personal perspective it's self development,however with ground fighting for self defense no one ever stays on the ground,common sense dictates even with basic skills the ground is the last place you want to be in a fight so you use your knowledge of positioning and control to escape back to your feet especially against multiple attackers

no it's a 1v1 sport

Sports do not consider multiple attackers.

Just curious, in Kempo we spar 2 or 3 vs 1 sometimes and during brown's blackbelt tests they have to spar 5 on 1!

I have taken BJJ for a little less than a month and I was wondering if you guys spar multiple people when you get advanced? And don't say "Ask your teacher!" I am going to ask him but I was wondering if other classes do it.