> Im about to get in a fight tommorow?

Im about to get in a fight tommorow?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Well let's start with this on your specific situation. You shouldn't start a fight whether it's vocally or physically. That'll just get you into trouble. If he corner's you and taunts you then just calmly let him know that you don't really care and walk away. If he's in your way then just walk by him. If he grabs you then calmly ask him if there is anything else that he must let you know and if not then you'll be leaving. Really just make it about how the information he is feeding you is none of your business. Either he will feel uncomfortable realizing the pointlessness of the conversation or he will lose his cool and he'll start the fight that you wanted(the latter{him starting the fight} allows you the claim that you tried everything verbally to stop the incident later in the principal's office.).

As far as the actual fight itself. Follow the above steps and avoid it as much as you can. Schools usually has zero tolerance policy and will likely punish both of you, even if you can prove that you're innocent. That and ummm... There is no way we can train you in a day or two let alone over the internet using pure texts.

I like Rynok answer too.

Like Rynok I do not give out advice online on how to fight tomorrow. Even if I told you what to do you will not likely be able to do it because you have not prepared to do the things that I teach. You will probably not do anything correct. Additionally I can't advise you as I can't predict the future. Therefore I don't know what the other person will do in order to advise you on how to counter or prevent them. Even if I did I wouldn't tel you as this stupid fight can and should be avoided. It is not life threatening.

Rynok has given a good answer, all i have to say is do you have a school councilor or an anti-bullying program you can get advice on, this seems to be a common issue that seems to be popping up on this MA forum quite a bit, i know its a problem here in New Zealand too, Hate is a strong word that i dont really use but I do hate Bullying and injustice, The only way this is going to stop is if YOU take the correct and positive actions. All the best.

Avoid the fight, just don't get yourself seriously hurt. They will call you names, but they're just idiots. Btw, there are guys in the Martial Arts section that devoted their life to martial arts. This type of question to them may offend them or be completely frustrated with you. You're coming into a section asking how to fight, when these men and women devoted life, or have worked hard to be where they are.

Stop the childish games and be a bigger person. FOR THE MOST part fights don't prove anything, they make the situation worse. Unless you completely destroy him, but that may make you the bully. We as teenagers can be very egotistic, but don't be an idiot and potentially get your butt kicked.

Yahoo Answers is a martial arts Q and A forum. We discuss everything from modern Mixed Martial Arts, to the various traditional styles of Karate, Wushu, Tae Kwon Do, and the like.

However for individuals facing an imminent and potentially dangerous situation with little or no martial arts training, any "fighting" advice you receive on such a forum would provide little help in resolving your issue, and in fact could even make the situation worse.

Therefore we are obliged to decline to answer specific questions dealing with these situations for safety reasons, time constraints, legal ramifications, and moral implications. We appreciate your inquiry and hope you resolve your issues safely, and encourage you to seek advice from parents, teachers, or law enforcement to aid you.

Be confident no matter what you do. Vocally standing up for yourself may be enough. Prepare for the worse. But remember this you don't know whats going on in his home life. Hell Robin Williams looked pretty happy to the world. Just know he may be hurting and you unfortunately are his relief. You don't know if his moms a drunk and his step dad rapes him at night maybe he got his girlfriend pregnant and she got an abortion. Just saying he may have an eternal storm that your not aware of so reach for compassion before a weapon.

Courage without skill and ability only presents a danger to yourself.

Duck alot of things and swing hah.

I can't fight but I'm sick of being picked on. If he corners me one more time I'm about to snap but I can't fight. I have thaught of one way to win this fight which hopefully doesn't happen. I'm 11th grade and have never faught before so its not like I'm trying to start trouble. I'm sick of this one dude talking junk saying he could beat the sh*t out of me and if he corners me one more time its on. If I do get in this fight could I throw dirt in his eyes and just start throwing punches so that he will leave me alone. I'm sick of this