> If u had to pick between the two...?

If u had to pick between the two...?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I'm a martial artist. I use unarmed combat techniques. I also have my CCW. I carry a firearm. I have several handguns and I have a shotgun for home protection. I also breed dogs. They are large breed dogs that i train for personal protection.

I believe we should never rely on just one thing. There are places I go that I can't legally carry my firearms. It is there where my training is to be used. In my training the 1st I would do is pick up something and use it as a weapon if it is reasonably available. If I'm in a place where I can carry including my home I generally carry and would use a firearm but using other techniques. This also requires that I'm at the right distance to remove my weapon from the holster. There is a distance rule where a person can or can not successfully get their gun out and still hit center mass. My dogs are my 1st line of defense when on walks or in my home. They will sense danger before I will and they can hear and stop an intruder while I'm sleep. That will give me the time to grab my loaded weapon and defend my life, home, and family. They are also trained to stop carjackings, child abductions, and defend against multiple attackers.

Depends on the situation. I think any style of martial arts will be more useful if you are being surprised attacked on the street. If the person gets you in a bear hug or headlock, you most likely aren't going to dig through your pocket to grab a weapon. It would be easier to use a certain technique that gets you out of the situation. If you were face to face with someone who had a long range weapon, it would be better to have a weapon unless you can get closer to the person to disarm the weapon. Overall, I think it is better to learn martial arts than to have a weapon. You will most likely come across a situation where hand to hand combat is more useful.

Martial arts! YOU KNOW HOW BAD BEEP THAT WOULD BE!!!!!!!??????? Plus, I wouldn't want to rely on weapons to kick peoples asses, my friend. Guns and other weapons are way to much to go around with. If I could just as easily take someone down with my body as a weapon, rather than one that I would have to use physically I would choose martial arts.

But my weapons... But martial arts....

See I love my weapons,my tanto knives,my bo,my guns...

But martial arts means I don't have to constantly have them on me and without martial arts I'd be pretty vulnerable without my weapons... whereas I'll always have my hands and feet to defend.

If a choose martial arts does that mean I have to give up eskrima? (weapon based martial art)

It's making me sick just thinking about it...

Okay I think I'd choose martial arts. (But I wouldn't give up eskrima!!)

Martial arts.

If you use weapons, you can be disarmed. Some weapons are prohibited in certain buildings. And it seems to me that it would be harder to control the damage you inflict with a weapon. (You could accidentally kill someone and be under suspicion by police.)

kobujitsu, its the best of both worlds both weapons and and non weapons.

a weapon is nothing more then an extension of your body, if you dont know how to fight with your body you wont be able to with a weapon.

btw the majority of the martial arts styles consist only of weapon training.

Martial Arts.

For martial artists, their weapons (i.e., arms/legs/elbows/shoulders/knees) are always with them and always ready to be used :-)

There is no need for supplies :-)

Can I not be a martial artist with weapons?

But.. but, I like weapons :(

O wait, if I am a "martial arts master of any style of my choosing like... kendo, kali, escrima, sojutsu, AKBAN, etc"... I can use weapons including firearms :)

Yup. Martial Artist.

Just like martial arts, Weapons are only as good as the person using them.

I'd choose weapons. While martial arts is great for people that are healthy and fit, the elderly and the disabled are at a disadvantage. In order to fight back I would need a weapon.

Martial arts vs weapons. For self defence would you rather be a martial arts master (any style/styles u want) - or have an arsenal of any weapons you choose? Intelligent answers are preferred (answers with a reason).

Thanks in advance guys.