> I won a fight, and feel bad about it?

I won a fight, and feel bad about it?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
You feel bad because you know you should not have beaten that guy up like you did. Now you see why a lot of traditional martial arts have tenets and codes of conduct. And despite that, even traditional martial artists may be prone to do just what you did.

Take the time to read this article: http://www.nononsenseselfdefense.com/bul...

Do I feel sorry for the bully? No. But you must have went overboard in what you did or you would not be posting about it here. Next time, you could try to be defensive until the bully gives up on trying to hit you. Or, you could get an authority figure to intervene.

I know what you mean, winning a sparring match is great, no one really gets severely hurt and it's all in good fun, competition and camaraderie. When you beat down a person in a real fight it's really quite different, a question of judgment, could it have been resolved differently? Also there may be an element of the loser retaliating at a later date, if he's able to get some of his friends to jump you in the future. The outcome is rarely of more respect but more and if often of more distrust and antagonization. The fear you create in your opponent only generates more hate and violence. Next time he may bring a knife to the fight... since he can't win fairly you know it won't be a fair fight.


I had given my son advice when he was in elementary school to defend himself if he ever needed to. He ended up getting in multiple fights with this one bully who had a gang of kids that followed him. He was actually able to take on multiple opponents long enough for yard monitor to take them all to the the principles office and were all suspended from school for a week for fighting. (zero tolerance policy punishes all even the innocent.)

A couple of years later they were in Junior High, It starts up all over again. This time I tell my son to lay low, when kids get into fist fights in Junior High they get sent to Juvenile Hall. You don't want to be the one who he gets into a fight with. Sure enough the bully ends up getting into a fight with another kid and off they go... expelled and sent to a Juvenile Detention center and afterwards sent to a special school for problem kids. -- play it smart, it's always not all about who's the toughest.

I think it depends on the jury(or the equivalent), but I'm fairly sure if this went to court you would have to pay for injuries and pain and suffering because you started the violence. Even if you had the right cause if you purposely escalate it(a beat down in response to a mere push) the law will see it as assault not self defense.

A proper response is to try to talk to the person and get them to stop verbally. If they lash out at you you can only engage until the guy stops engaging you and then you have to go back to verbal response and so on so forth.

So if you try to talk to the guy and the guy get aggravated and pushes you, but doesn't follow up and just ignores you then the engagement has just ended with that one push. That means you'll have to ignore the push and go back to verbal engagement. If you feel like the guy as potential to harm you and he might do so while you are trying to talk to him, then rather than engage him verbally you can try to get the attention of the authorities(cops or other administration) and get essentially back up from people that the guy can't harm without serious legal trouble. If the guy engages while you are trying to get the authorities to stop you then you can engage and proceed with the beat down until he stops his physical engagement. If the guy engages after you got the authorities attention and they can see you guys then just try to disengage and step aside for the authorities to deal with him.

ya know martial arts and the law go hand in hand... you are allowed to defend yourself within reason.. u don't go and totally beet someones *** man that's just plain bullyish.. someone needs to beet your ******* *** to give u a taste of some good ole fashioned humble pie ya piece of ****...

maybe you should learn to keep your cool, man... I've been in a few fights, but I would never throw the first punch. I'm down to take the first hit with any fight. It's better to fight with words.

Stop being an idiot, it is illegal to fight people. Get off Yahoo! Answers.

I agree with keeping your cool, as someone learning any of the arts, keeping good control over your emotions can be one of the most difficult hurdles to over come. I have a jujitsu, kung fu background of over fourteen years and I think you did fine.

I was not in your shoes to see what was actually happening and it may depend on your definition of being "picked on" , however, do not feel bad for your boundless abilities of which you are just now beginning to understand and grow as a student of your art. I also would take the first strike of an opponent if it were to become a street fight,just for the legalities of it. Perhaps trying to see if the person in trouble would like to just walk away with you while giving the bully the choice to do the same and diffuse the situation may or may not work..

Life and people in general are extremely variable as to really suggest to you that " well you should have this.. or you could have that" .. in my opinion, no one really ever KNOWS what or how they are going to react to any similar situation. Only you can improve yourself and discipline your mind, body and spirit to work as one finely tuned machine.

Focus on the philosophy that your master is and will be trying to convey to you as a growing student as much much more than just the physical training you are going through and try to understand the art on the positive mental attitude, meditative and spiritual levels as well. ( this you probably already well know)

Brazilian and Japanese jujutsu are very deep rooted and very tough arts and excellent disciplines with very profound philosophies. Best of luck

Keep up the great work! It will change your life in many good ways ;-)


You know one thing I've come to realize is that 99% of questions like this are either hugely exaggerated or complete lies. There really is no in between. To be frank I don't believe you. This sounds like your regular "I want to make me sound cool" question. But hey at least you're a good guy in your imagination.

Three years is a good amount to do martial arts.

In this case, you used martial arts as an act of self defense of another being.

If it were I in your situation, I would have warned the "bully" beforehand and only used enough skill until I knew he would not bring harm to me or the victim.

and to answer your question, for me Im always worried if I have hurt the other person even if it is to protect myself. but you have to look at the bigger picture is the victim ok? are you ok? if yes, I dont think you have anything to feel bad for.

Okay, well first off, I am in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I have been for 3 years. I also do kickboxing. I have for only like 6 months so far. I'm not trying to brag or anything either. I'm 18 years old and well, I have done competitions and stuff and don't feel bad if I win, obviously I know, because I won, but I mean, I saw this guy picking on someone and I just went over and said "Look, leave this guy alone, there is no need for this kind of acting" and he told me to **** off and he did shove me a little and i don't know, I just lost it and beat his ***. I wish I would of at least warned him before I did something. But my question is, have any of you felt bad after a fight?

You are a freaking liar you know. Just making yourself look cool because you beat a guy up. Do you have mommy problems because you are a freak!

it is normal.

specially if you are beating a non-martial artist.
