> I want to try kick boxing?

I want to try kick boxing?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Oh here we go, more rubbish about KM being the best and only style of fighting lol. ironically i didn't even give you thumbs down so clearly others feel the same way. I wont even discuss my opinion on KM.

Muay Thai is good and the size thing will not be a huge issue. I eventually took to Muay Thai as my main striking style and i am now i am a qualified instructor, I have seen many women come and go over the years all shapes and sizes.

Any martial art can be made to adapt to your size so dont worry about that. Get out there and have a go, it is a very good martial art for self defense but as are they all, its just a matter of finding the right style for you.

Kick boxing is a common term used to describe any variety of training programs that utilize kicking in their exercise program. Where as all self-defense training uses kick-boxing, not all kick-boxing is self-defense training. Based on what you say your height and weight are I would recommend finding a Krav Maga Alliance affiliate in your area. K.M. is the most effective self-defense/hand-to-hand combat system available to the general public. It is a no "bull" training system designed for combat and street application. One of, if not the only, system with specific training for unarmed defense against assailants armed with guns, knives, etc. It utilizes the most effective techniques from the various combat training systems across the world, including Muay Thai, Karate, Gung Fu, and Jiu-Jitsu.

It is easy to learn, and in the process of learning to REALLY defend yourself the workout will get you into the best shape as well. Krav Maga Alliance dot com/affiliates. Do yourself the best thing you can to keep you and those you care about safer.

Listen to Shaeeck and the KW, good advice along the same lines as i was going to give.

So I read this manga about kick boxing and it looks cool. Is it more on kicking or boxing? It looks interesting. Will someone provide me some basic information about it?I kind of want to do it because im into fitness and as a small and shy girl i want to defend myself. I am barely 5'3 and a 100 pounds. Will my height be a hindrance in learning kick boxing?

And also Muay thai? :)