> I want to rephrase my question regarding Krav Maga?

I want to rephrase my question regarding Krav Maga?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I really get tired of seeing people always disparaging Krav Maga . "It's not something that requires or needs a person to have endurance." That's a load of crap, there's just no other way to put it. Because of the simple fact that fights NEVER go the way we intend them to, Kravists are trained to go all out until the fight is concluded, whether that is 10 sec. or 10 min. . You condition to be able to fight all out for 30 min., and you train to end it in 30 - 60 sec., or less.

"...beware of any Krav Maga school that wants you to sign a contract of months or longer. ..." "... Military Krav Maga is not taught to civilians."

While it is easier to learn the Krav system than other TMA, taking a non-experienced person and teaching them Krav Maga is just like any other MA. You can learn the techniques in a shorter period of time, but learning to use them effectively, and reflexively is still a "time in training" issue.

I will admit there are certain aspects of Krav Maga that are not taught to entry and intermediate level civilian Krav students. This is mainly because these students don't fully understand what consequences arise in taking a life, and it takes some time to teach someone all the things there are to learn before you teach them to kill outright. One has to be able to execute the "basics" effectively enough to survive, before one learns where, when, and how, to strike to kill with more exacting techniques.

What the majority of Krav Maga "nay sayers" still seem to overlook is that the majority of students in Krav Maga are NOT seasoned, experienced combatants. They are everyday people who really don't want to have to kill ANYONE. They want to learn to beat the crap out of an attacker as quickly as possible so they can go home alive. But we do teach them how to go over that line if it becomes necessary. The techniques in our classes are not different than military classes, but it's not always about kill first like it is in a combat environment.

Edit: One other thing... I have been in several life threat defense situations in my life, only a very few of them were concluded in 15 sec. or less. Not that I wanted them to go longer, but when your opponent is trained and experienced in his own way, finishing the fight when you want does not follow any preset time frame.

I think that you are caught up in the same mindset issue many people have. They confuse the ability to fight with a person being able to fight long periods of time or not. Sports require that participants be able to fight the duration of the fight. Say X number of minutes or rounds. Real fights very rarely last more than a few seconds. They are not for points or so many rounds. They are not decided by judges or by how many punches, kicks, ...etc., are thrown. Anyone that understands what Karate or other martial arts are supposed to be see that clearly in what Master Seiyu Oyata practiced. There are many videos of his Karate and how it ends fights in a second or two at most.

Krave Maga is a self-defense system. It is not a martial art. It is designed to end a situation and allow you to escape. It is not something that requires or needs a person to have endurance. Yet many of the so called Krav Maga schools are selling both Krav Maga and body conditioning in the same way that gyms and health clubs do . Krav Maga was developed originally for the Israeli military. It is supposed to be some thing that can be taught in a short period of time. Military training for combat has to be effective and be learned in a short time. They do not have the time to spend weeks, months, years training. Bottom line is beware of any Krav Maga school that wants you to sign a contract for months or longer. They are selling gym membership. Another thing to know is that the Military Krav Maga is generally not taught to the public. What is taught is not the same thing. Also, know that many of the so called certified Krav Maga instructors have no training beyond a weekend seminar and a certificate they received there.


Krav Maga is just another mixed martial art.

Krav Maga is a martial art and self-defense system that consists of a wide combination of techniques sourced from boxing, savate, Muay Thai, Wing Chun, Judo, jiu-jitsu, wrestling, and grappling.

Krav Maga is not designed to fight as a sport. Sports style fighters are trained to last a long duration as well as have skills. In self defense martial arts then entire concept is to end the threat quickly and abruptly and then leave the dangerous area without a minimum of fuss.

So sure a Muay Thai fighter could stand there and spar off with you for 10 minutes but in a self defense situation the threat is finished in 15 seconds. This is why Krav Maga is not designed to be a sports use. it is designed as a self defense system to disable the attacker as fast as possible using whatever means necessary to end the threat. A Krav Maga practitioner is not going to stand toe to toe with a boxer or a Muay Thai fighter they will look to end it very fast and as nasty as possible if that is what it takes. Self defense has no rules, sports fighting is governed by rules. there is a huge difference.

In less you are in the Israeli army you don't learn all these deadly moves as you would think, Krav maga is a hybrid martial art meaning the guy that invented used skills from all kinds of martial art.. What we see out side of the army is only self defense system.. Men/women in the Army learn the deadly art, not outsiders in other country.. remember all of them have to join the army at the 17 or 18 no matter what.. not all become deadly killers only a few will do this..

Your mind theory is all the way messed up you dont know whats going to happen.

So in the last question I stated how someone on a website said Krav Maga fighters aren't conditioned to fight an extended amount of time. He went on to say only Muay Thai, Boxing, and other arts similar are designed to fight for length because they are used in the ring, therefore helping you go longer in a unsanctioned fight. So then I realized how Krav Maga has dangerous moves designed to end an altercation asap. But I asked, "Is it true that Kravists can't go extended time in a fight", I didn't mean stamina wise, I meant if the Kravists dangerous moves failed in reaching the target somehow, I was wondering if a Kravists are trained to go into a fight with the abilities of other arts? For example, a Kravist is mugged coincidentally by a Muay Thai/Boxing fighter and the Krav goes for a quick ending move but fails, is the Kravist trained from the standpoint of the other fighter as well? Because the guy on the site said Kravists are trained to quickly end confrontations, and he said Kravists are only skilled in doing that. Is this true?