> I want to learn to fight?

I want to learn to fight?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Self Defense is fighting "dirty"(if you want to call it that) where as MMA is more structured not to be "dirty". Self defense is about defending yourself by whatever means necessary for you to survive. There is no such thing as rules in a self defense situation.

Any martial art with a genuine instructor could teach you to defend yourself very well, so too can any legitimate self defense system or MMA gym. However any real instructor will teah you to avoid confrontation rather than fight.

Just because you can fight does not stop you from being killed. Sure you learn to fight and bash her head in one day, well you end up in prison or she might get upset and next time you see her she has a gun and you are being shot. so many scenarios can unfold so its best to learn how to control yourself and how to best avoid confrontations altogether.

Good Luck

For brawling, MMA tends to have the social support and culture for it, mostly.

Since SD is mostly about preserving yourself by avoiding danger or running away, obviously that's not something you can make use of easily to face confrontations from people in your social scene.

Traditional arts tend to be rigid and will require a substantial amount of time before you get proficient. Try to find training partners and teachers that give you as close to a simulated fight as you can. Close to reality, but different from reality. That'll improve learning retention.

Whatever you would like. What are your expectations? Do you want to learn (for example purpose)

Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Muay Thai, Judo, BJJ

Striking, Kicking, Clinch/knees, Throws, Ground game...

How far do you want to go and what is available in your area?

You can do anything you want! There are hundreds of marital arts! All have their differences and similarities.

As others mentioned MMA has a strict rule set, and they will teach it with a strict rule set. If you want to learn to "mess someone up" you need a dojo/gym that teaches self defense or a true martial artist, there are no rules in a fight and anything goes. MMA will not teach you how to protect yourself against knives, people bigger and heavier than you, guns, multiple attackers, etc.

Take what you like though. What makes you happy.

Just beware of those nasty mcdojos! They Evil I tell you! Eviiilllll!

Have fun!

Hope that helped.

Yes Boxing will teach you to hit hard ,avoid been hit as much to keep your balance and counter strike .You can always move on to Kick boxing if you want to use your legs or pick a martial art that suits you.I must say learning to fight doesn't happen over night and street fighting is a art on its own (very unpredictable and brutal ) Good on you for wanting to be able to defend yourself as you will lean a lot about yourself and grow a lot wiser.Best of luck

I would very strongly suggest u join boxing because most untrained girls will slap and use hands and try to pull hair. Boxing is the best form of fighting there is for hands and u will learn how to bob and weave and dodge those ***** slaps. And to make it any better its alot cheaper

Try this out!


Then drink lots of green tea and soy protein and be happy.

So, I'm 17 and female. I really want to learn to fight because some girls are giving me a hard time, I don't know what kind of classes to take or whatever. I don't want self defense though. I want to learn to mess someone up, like fight dirty. Would MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) classes help me? Or Boxing? I have crazy strong legs and above average upper body strength. I just want to learn to hit hard.

My dad fought a lot when he was younger, but I'm scared to ask him for help because he tried teaching me before and I ended up in tears.

Anyways, I'm thankful for any help I can get. And please don't tell me that fighting isn't the answer and whatnot. I mean, I live in a sketchy neighborhood too, so I just need to learn to fight.

Thanks again!