> I want get good at judo and muay thai !?

I want get good at judo and muay thai !?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Visit both places and observe the classes. Then choose the best place. no one can guarantee if you will be good or if you will ever "earn" a black belt. Most people never earn a black belt!

Judo is great IMO. But you must decide for yourself if you prefer judo or muay thai. Is the 30 minute drive worth you joining.

Before you join another gym you need to do some thinking or you will not last in the next, or the next, or the next gym.

I have trained with a bunch of immature and ego ridden adults. Unfortunately martial arts attracts egos and there will be at least one in every bunch. Do you really think kids got the monopoly on bad attitudes? You can not change or control others and what they do but you can change how you approach things and how you deal with it. They might have a bad attitude and that is their problem, not yours. It will keep them from learning, not you, if you don't make it your problem. Noone can and should keep you from learning and to leave because of others,.... not a good thing. You are going to have to get a much thicker skin if you want to make it in martial arts. It's not a social club after all. No matter how immature or ego ridden, they are still bodies with two arms and two legs coming at you and you will have to defend against that. Of course it is about dominance, aren't all fights? Can't take that personal. 8 months is hardly long enough to get good at martial arts in any style. So you need to put your own ego aside and suck it up. Don't let others dictate where you are going to train. It would be different if your issue was with the teacher.

Your school is 30 minutes away? Lucky you. Mine is 1 1/2 hours one way and that is the close school. If it's a really good school it's definitely worth it. Really good teachers are hard to come by and a really good teacher should be all that matters anyway. Pick the best teacher in any style. It's all how you set your priorities.

Judo isn't some frozen food with an expiration date.

It generally has range for all ages.

10,000 hours are required before mastery. So a first dan or black belt is about 1000-2000 of those hours to get merely proficiency with techniques and fighting.

If your goal is to find better training partners, then you shouldn't pay attention to the style name but who is running the dojo and its people composition. Look at the people, not the name.

Judo has the ground techniques of BJJ, but starts standing up, and was the precursor base art that BJJ was exported from. It's not considered a striking methodology.

Judo uses more sensitivity, touch contact, balance, and softer elements of power application. MT is focused on hard, external applications of power that can be used right now. That's why teenagers can dominate beginners, the idea is planted in their head that might makes right since might does make right in MT.

Do Muay Thai and plus its more easier and immediately more practical...do judo as well if u can afford to do both otherwise stick to MT for a year or two and then go for judo which will take many years to get good at

i want get good at judo and muay thai .

i'm 17 now,

i did muay thai for last 8 month,but i stopped it because i didn't like the gym

in that gym there were many immature 16 and 17 year old just making me angry when sparring

(i mean they don't respect others and what they can do, trying to show off and dominating the beginner)

i know i could tear him apart but i just wanted to learn the art and improve with some mature guys.

so i stopped muay.

but i loved muay thai and i still want to get good at it.

i found a judo gym just near my home( 2min)

and another muay thai gym( not the 8 month one) little far (30 min to go)

so i am confused ?

1. should i do muay and get good at it or try judo ?

2. i have never tried judo before so is it too late for me to start judo?

3.and how long would it take to get good at judo (like black belt) ?

i know it depense but just approximately

i live in france

and plz share your thoughts about judo?
