> I need to refuel for wrestling tournament?

I need to refuel for wrestling tournament?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I have a weigh-in on the day of my tournament. This would be okay, but i cut a lot of weight to stay at my weight class. What should i eat/drink to get all my energy before wrestling?

I've never really been in your situation, because I always wrestled pretty close to my natural weight. But, after your final weigh-in, it is important that you get a lot of fluids. If you are anything like how I was, and like how every other wrestler I know was, then you basically dehydrated and starved yourself to make weight.

The first thing to do is get some water, maybe even coconut water or Gatorade to replenish your electrolytes. Also, snack on something light, like some apples or bananas. Don't do anything too heavy. The last thing you want is to stuff yourself with something "heavy" and then find out that you're up in 5 minutes.

Also, what I used to do is have something like "Bit-O-Honey" (yes they still make that stuff :D) and I'd eat a piece or two a few minutes before a match to get some quick energy. But most importantly: water/coconut water/Gatorade to stay hydrated which will be VERY important, as you don't want to be getting cotton mouth in the middle of your match (it's happened to me too many times). Also, snack on fruit, and some Bit-O-Honey candy a few minutes before your matches.

Good luck to you. I envy you, I wish I were still in high school and was on the wrestling team.

BTW, just as my advice to you after you're passed this tournament, challenge to wrestle at a heavier weight. I understand why wrestlers try to cut their weight to wrestle lighter, but the season is a lot more enjoyable, and you stay a lot healthier, when you're closer to your natural weight. If you're having to cut "a lot" of weight, then you're wrestling too light.

Foods high in natural salts eg potassium. You basically need to restore your electrolytes which are salt based nutrients. I like sports drinks but coconut juice works just as well I'm told and if you got a string stomach a banana smoothie would not be a bad idea.

Just weigh in and pig out after haha. some wrestlers find there pre meet/tournament rituals, some don't. I would say though, weigh in, lots if water, filling food and fruit. But don't get sick.

We don't know we don't know.

I have a weigh-in on the day of my tournament. This would be okay, but i cut a lot of weight to stay at my weight class. What should i eat/drink to get all my energy before wrestling?