> I need help picking a martial art?

I need help picking a martial art?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
You can probably do Taiji. It has martial value but can be low to no impact and you would have to be disciplined enough to not do the parts that put you or others at risk. You don't have to do the takedowns and throws. Just do the low impact forms and do the silk reeling (if Chen taiji) and push hands exercises with a partner.

Make sure that your teacher and partners know about your condition. You may not care but if someone was paired up with you, nailed you too hard and you lose your sight, it might be difficult for them to come to terms with that even if they did not know. I think it would be very inconsiderate and selfish of you if you expected them to live with this kind of burden.

Don't do women's self defense. That is ignorant advice. Nor would I advise any other martial art, other than Taiji.

Well it depends of course on why you want to do a martial art?

You could do Kendo as they have helmets so you wouldn't ever get hit in the head.

But if you're not looking for weapons, obviously something with no striking like Aikido would be perfect, and maybe some Japanese ju-jitsu styles as some have lost their striking. You could also do Wing Chun if you have club that doesn't do sparring.

Well don't go into anything like taekwondo or boxing that requires hitting in the face or anything like that, try Krav Maga or Brazilian Jui Jitsu , both focus on grappling and counters and have very little punching involved.

Watch never back down 2

Women's self defence helped me

I'm really interested in learning martial arts, but the problem is I have a risk of retinal detachment. This means I run a risk of losing my sight if I get hit in the head too much (this also prevents me from playing football). I don't want to go in some kiddy class, but unfortunately I can't go into the very physical martial arts. Any suggestions?