> I'm thinking of cross training a martial art?

I'm thinking of cross training a martial art?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Cross training is fine and can help your skill in both arts,just so long as they work together in a complementary way.

Sticking to your primary style for at least 5 years will allow you to acquire the maturity that will help you better understand the workings of another.

Remember that you cannot improve that which you have not mastered. Cross training should be used to improve your own knowledge.Going from art to art every few years is not good cross training. If you don’t stick long enough in one art, you cannot fully assimilate all the intricacies of its training, making you at best a mediocre practitioner. Being a mediocre practitioner in many styles does not make you a good practitioner; it only makes you a practitioner with lots of experience at being mediocre.

Don't become like MMA fighter, which is to say you'd be a Jack-of-all-trades yet a master of none. I do think judo will work quite well with muay thai, never caused me any problems mixing the two together. But maybe I'm biased because of my passion for judo...

Hope this helped.

Train it. Live it. Love it.

It is silly. There really is no point in mixing two stand up arts together. They interfere with each other and you can not use what you've learned in muay thai in karate. The better option is to take a ground art. A classic combo that always works is muay thai and bjj, which is essentially mma. Judo is also good, wrestling is an option. Look into those.

I currently do Muay Thai I've been training for 2 years and I want to explore some other martial arts as well as this, I was thinking ether karate or judo? But with karate a lot of people have told me it's silly to mix karate with Muay Thai but there a kids at my school that mix the 2? I could do all three but the things people have said about doing karate and Muay Thai have gotten to me? Would it be wrong to do both? Would the 2 not work with each other? Please help!