> I'm scared for my red belt test?

I'm scared for my red belt test?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Mma doesn't have belts......

What martial arts do they teach you

Next Thursday my Mma school is having a testing ceremony and I'm doing it for my red belt. But I'm scared... It's going to be the first time I test with adults and that means sparring. My sensei is making me test with adults because I'm a pretty tall teenager. I'm a male that is 5'9 and I weight 200 lbs. ok nervous with sparring with adults. I will wear gear but I want to know how to stop being nervous and man up. The strongest guy I have ever spar was a black belt that is my height but weighs less than me. He is my age but he packs a punch. I can last in a fight with him but I'm afraid adults are a lot stronger than me.