> I'm bored of my Martial art?

I'm bored of my Martial art?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I understand that boredom comes from complacency but you need to understand a few things:

1) Repetition is key to ingraining the techniques into muscle memory

2) The simple things are often neglected when they are deemed "simple". For example, knife hand middle block for the longest time was just viewed as a block by me. From the start to the end of the technique. Simple. But, when I looked more and more into it, I began to realize all the different techniques that could be used with that technique alone. I learned how it can turn into various throws, various strikes, and even locks.

I wouldn't advise going to a new school to learn something new based solely off of boredom because you will be missing out. What I suggest is asking your professor what he thinks and if there is anything he can further elaborate on that can make the training more interesting.

Good training to you.

Do what you want. If you're a high grade in your current martial art, however, you may find starting Tae Kwon Do is even more boring as you'd go from the advanced stuff from one martial art to the basic stuff in another.

I do Tae Kwon Do, and we do have a front, side and turning kick and for the first few grades you'll be doing a lot of them. Depending on your school, you might also get to try some more fun moves like tornado kick, axe kick and twisting kick. Maybe watch a session or two first at a local session and see if the lower grades get to do fun kicks too.

It may also help your motivation- be it in your current martial art or in Tae Kwon Do- to do a session which isn't early on a weekend.

As for which type of Tae Kwon Do to do (there are two: WTF and ITF) then I would recommend doing ITF. WTF is the sort they do in the Olympics, but other than that it hasn't really got anything going for it. ITF has better patterns, has more accessible tournaments, has more and better schools and is just generally better. If you choose an ITF style and live in the UK, TAGB is definitely your best option.

You should do the martial or either do that martial art only I come from a traditional martial arts back ground when people trash talk about me I rather just zipp it and talk with my fist I feel they got to beat me on the ground thats why I know deep down inside its all about what you cared about since you were a little kid doing you favorite martial art.

i think your idea of switching to another style of martial arts is the best. you won't be bored anymore, it will be a challenge, your experience in lau gar will help you a lot, and you can learn a variety of martial arts. wins everywhere.

what makes you say you cant learn these kicks...... but the key to doing things over is to become second nature...to do it with out thinking...l think your more worried about sleep then doing martial arts... if your not motivated then you may feel the same with another martial art....

then try out Tae-Kwon-Do, but do an martial artthat is right for you. From what I hear from your description, Tai Chi might be what's best for you, but do what you want.

I've begun to feel really demotivated over Lau gar due to the fact each lesson seems like it's on replay and it's on a Sunday morning. Being a typical Lazy teenager, I cherish my sleep and doing something that is a repeat every week is not really something I enjoy. Despite advice on not quitting this, I have considered trying out Tae-kwon-do as it appears to cover a wider range of movements instead of the typical Front, Side, and Turning kick.
