> I like the thrill of fighting?

I like the thrill of fighting?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Stop fighting for the sake of fighting. You would win MORE fights if you had a valid reason to, it's called willpower. Someone talking smack to you is a pretty lame reason to fight.

So I'm going to teach you how to avoid a fight, if someone starts intimidating and provoking you in a threatening manner (trying to get you to fight) scoff and repeat to them that you don't want to hurt them as you walk away. This method allows you to retain your pride, let the other know you won't take his smack talk, AND it plants a seed of doubt in his mind making him subconsciously scared and jealous of you. please be sensible, take it from some experienced martial artists on this website who'll tell you the same thing. A fight avoided, is a fight won.


In school i always have fights no matter who its against i win some i lose some is there a good sport were they could help me keep the thrill of fighting fun and not make it seem boring?