> I hate getting hit, specially in the stomach?

I hate getting hit, specially in the stomach?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Getting hit sucks. There is no way around it. So suck it up and keep fighting, or stop. Those are your two choices.

No one has any experience with anything before they start doing it. You hate getting hit....that's kind of the name of the game. Maybe it's not for you simply put. Or you really suck and don't know how to dodge and block. If that is the case train more.

this can happen to pretty much everyone...the only way I can think of helping you is start with very thick padding and just have someone punch you lightly and slowly increase the power, then remove some padding and so on. Many fighters do this, think of it as conditioning just as people condition bones you have you condition your body to be able to take hits and feel less pain. To get over your fear of fighting, just try slowly and dont feel you have to win %100 of the time. just consider everything as a game and you can quit any time, slowly build up to it and if you cant deal with the time then you should be able to fight very well! :) hoped this helped!

Well I when I first started sparring, I didn't want to spar at all. I begged my dad not to take me. When I started the match I was so nervous and afraid about getting hit that I would always attack before my opponent and move around to avoid getting hit. Now I love sparring. If anything, not wanting to get hit can only help you. It makes you a harder target.

I'm not fond of getting hit in the stomach either. But I work with a partner and take hits to be able to take one if necessary. Ideally we avoid being hit, but if you want to fight professionally you need to be able to take them as you will be hit.

So "Toughen Up Buttercup" if you want to fight. If not then train easier and forget getting in the cage

You've got to just keep on flowing my friend, make it so your a harder target to hit, be illusive. Train, train hard.

no u hav 2 be born 2 be able to get hit

sozzy no mmmm for u

Well, I really want to become a pro MMA fighter like Cain Velasquez, but I have a bad problem, I have no real experience in boxing, and i'm afraid of getting hit. I hate it. I hate liver shots and punches to solar plexus most.. More than head shots. I really wanna know, is there a way to train solar plexus and how do you mentally prepare yourself before a boxing fight? Because I hate getting hit, also in the head, and I ******* cant stand it..