> I can teach myself martial arts right?

I can teach myself martial arts right?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 

Really I'm sick to death of all these questions "Can I teach myself this or that " and acting like you already know or think you know you can because of X amount of years of whatever you took from when you were 6 is moronic,you don't know MMA so you can't teach yourself MMA,

If you had any significant training in real martial arts and not Taekwondo for Tots or Kiddie Klub Karate you'd know the answer is no you can't teach yourself martial arts , 50 miles isn't that far suck it up

On the off chance you're a troll trying to piss people off well done you earn a cookie and the following rant to help you die from shitting yourself laughing

Kiddie Klub Karate, a miserable shower of b*stards who are a collection of the most vile exploitative individuals to ever steal oxygen from good people ,while not of any particular art form these idiots ruin everything and are widely seen as the martial arts community's KKK, who are they committing a hate crime against?Why legitimate martial artists by driving the significance of reality based training into the ground by pandering to the lowest common denominator as a cash cow and producing blackbelts at such an alarming rate it's a wonder if they didn't just get high off of dipping old white rags into black paint cans and think they can beat anyone with real training ,

Short answer: noooope.

At the very least, you'd need a training partner.

It's also likely you'll end up making a LOT of mistakes. I've seen black belts/instructors in systems where ground fighting wasn't really addressed, trying to give instruction on ground-fighting/grappling, and most of the times it sucked- these are guys with years of experience in martial arts, more than you, and they're screwing up. What hope do YOU have?

Also, who would correct you on your technique? How would you prevent yourself from just doing sloppy, crappy moves all the time?

True, established martial arts had to be invented SOMEWHERE, but they came from professional soldiers and were refined over generations into their current form. Why would you want to reinvent the wheel?

Lets us pray because they put me in commas and pleads of guilty persercution if you talk like taubers in messed up men that want me to teach martial tough but which side is it the wicked or the innocent.

Ya sure create another mcdojo crap style that doesn't work in the street, you can make your self 20th dan grand poo ba of crap no do

yes you can. but if you had basic about it before. martial arts not only teach you about how to fight but else about philosophy, etc and you need practice and practice.

im sure there are plenty tutorials on youtube

I want to start MMA, but there aren't any classes in my area, the closest is 50 miles away. I have a small background of karate and taekwondo. Could I teach myself MMA? I mean somebody had to have created taekwondo or karate without prior knowledge, so couldn't I create my own martial art or at least teach myself?