> I am useless at Karate. Should I keep going?

I am useless at Karate. Should I keep going?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
First, learning a skill takes time. 3 months of training is just a drop in the bucket so you should not start doubting yourself so early in your training. Individuals learn at different rates, and sometimes prior experience in sports or other martial arts can sometimes make it appear that some people are learning "faster"...but they aren't learning faster, they already have some of those physical skills or coordination that they learned from those other activities so they actually had a head start well before their first day of class. However, these things tend to even out over time, so you shouldn't be overly concerned with keeping pace with other students. The only thing you should be concerned with is seeing improvement in your own technique. As long as you are continuing to see incremental improvement, and you enjoy what you are doing, then you have enormous potential and I think you'll be amazed with what you can do.

"Compare natural ability, hard work and enjoyment of training: of the three, the latter is most important for becoming skilled."

-Nakanishi Chuta, Founder of Nakanishi-ha Itto-ryu (circa 1750)

It is not you, it is the dojo. There is absolutely no way that you should have a red belt in less then about 4 years, definitely not 3 months!!!

It sounds like the "teacher" (notice I don't use sensei), is not teaching you proper techniques.

In short, it sounds like your dojo, or "school" is a mcdojo, here is an article that summarizes the types of things you are bound to see at one. http://www.karatebyjesse.com/93-signs-of...

I suggest you look for other karate dojos around you town, one that is associated with the JKA would be perfect, or perhaps the WKF. If there are no good dojos around your area, then I do unfortunately recommend you quit. As there is no point in just giving them your wallet and essentially "paying for your belts".

You have made it so much farther than everybody else, in the sense that you had the courage to go out and try something. To have that much courage is bound to do some good for you in karate. You just haven't been given a fair chance.

You just need better instruction, that's all.

Keep training. Self improvement has diferent rates for diferent people. Diferent students laern at diferent rates. Do not be discouraged. Try to work on only one aspect of improvement each day so you don't feel overwhelmed.

Be your personal best. Don't fall into the trap of comparing your progress with others. Let it be about where you are and the progress you make each week. When you train you will get better and your gains will be something you must celabrate in yourself. Karate is about your inner self improvement as well as outward improvement. I have had many slow students who when they stuck it out became realy extrodinary.

I don't know your school or style. Red belt sounds awfully high for only 3 months??

BTW Karate means your good work so Karate is everything you do. So think of what you are good at and see if you can bring that feeling to your Karate training.

3 month is nothing. If you had said 3 years, then it would be something to be concern over. You started martial art because you wanted to improve yourself, so what other people do or how much they advance should not be any of your concern. Besides, you claim not to like team sports, so why would you care about keeping up with others? You don't want team sports, but you worry like you were in one. Does that make sense? Everyone progress at their own pace. You are training to be like them. You are training to be a better you. Keep your focus and keep practicing for at least another 9 months and then compare where you are at that point to this day. If you really do not see any progress, then I would recommend you switch to another school.

This is why people should try to remember their Kyu grades.

Orange is the first kyu grade recieved by people in my school's style of Goju ryu - 10th kyu = Orange belt.

But since the martial arts shop nearby doesn't sell orange belts 10th kyu = red belt.

Keep going ! if you quit now,you will quit everytime an obstacle hits you ! First and foremost,if they can do it,you can do it! don't underestimate yourself,self-belief,iron will and perseverance is important in order to make something happen especially in karate,just focus on yourself and don't care how others are progressing and think about you,'people who learns the slowest,learn the most' ! and try training in front of a mirror(the mirror on your sliding door etc) so you can see your posture when training and try imagining and reminiscence what the teacher instruct and tell what you did wrong,one more thing,don't underestimate the power of imagination !

It might have been a better choice to go to strictly a "self-defense" class. Learn to use mace-spray and hand-held tazers.

All the hype of Karate ended between the 70s-90s.

I would recommend that you hit the gym or just workout everyday; but since you are a petite female, you might as well invest in the above "non-lethal" defensive weapons.

Different people learn at different rates and have different abilities.

If you are enjoying it keep training.

Red belt in 3 months! Its not ur fault ur getting crappy instruction, its a crappy school!

people are different on learning things maybe you are a slow learn you should keep fighting ,or simply quit you weren't meant for it you we arent good in everything

I started Karate 3 months ago. I go to class twice a week (I can't afford more than that) and I practise at home.

Currently I am a red belt.

A few others started at the same time as me but they are much much better than me now.

I still struggle with basic kicks and it takes me a lot longer to pick up the katas. I am also pretty useless.

The guys that started at the same time as me are big blokes and I am a small framed female which probably makes some difference but I don't think that is the sole reason I am not as good as them.

I love keeping fit but I have never been a 'sporty' person.

I hate team sports and I am pretty introverted and shy. I also have terrible hand-eye co-ordination.

I wanted to take Karate to face my fears and prove to myself what I can achieve if I put my mind to it. I figured it would also be good to know for protection.

I am now starting to lose confidence in my abilities and I am scared that I will left behind.

So I am in a dilemma...Should I keep going or quit while I'm...well...not so far behind?