> I am thinking about quitting martial arts?

I am thinking about quitting martial arts?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I am not sure if you are even at a quality school now really. How much quality can there be if you are being used and taken for granted and taken advantage of? I would certainly consider making some changes if I was unhappy like you say and everything. One of the things I would consider would be to cut back on my teaching time and instead use that time for myself and maybe even investigating some other schools and perhaps there is one that will allow a person to come in and spar. Be careful with how you approach this though and with whom and avoid those schools and instructors that don't keep things in sparring on a positive note.

As for sacrifices I can't begin to tell you how many I had to make and for how long to become competitive regionally and then later on the NASKA national circuit. It sometimes cost me a girlfriend or two, I spent countless hours in the gym and at the school training and working out while all my friends did other things more fun or entertaining, and it also took hard work, dedication and acquiring experience to be competitive and win.

If by chance you still want to do this then expand your knowledge and breadth of experience. Along with this I have listed a couple of books that might help give you a better understanding of some of these things you ask about and have not learned that I have referred others to because they contain some good concepts like set point, controlling the distance, foot-work, movement and motion. Also consider adding some plyometrics type workouts to your workout routine for increasing your speed and strength without adding bulk.

In addition consider going to some seminars that cover this type of training and ways to improve and become good at competing. Martial arts training does not always cover or address these aspects as well and in order to be competitive and learn about them you sometimes have to seek outside training so consider that.




There is a time for everything in life and maybe with school and other obligations it is not the right time. You can really not expect to be put on a competition team when you don't have time to practice and lose competitions no matter the reason. One mediocre athlete can bring down the whole team. Not really fair if you are in the shoes of the others. Some people simply are not good enough and there is really nothing wrong with not being the best in everything all the time. That does not make things worth less if you still enjoy them. But to only enjoy something only if you are the best.... there will be very few things you will enjoy then in life then because in most things you will not be the best.

As for your problem as an instructor, are you sure the others got paid for instructing or the profit for being a partner. There is a difference. However, as long as there was a profit I think those who teach should have gotten paid first as part of the expense IF there was a prior agreement that you get paid if you teach and that it is not just a 'matter of giving back to the dojo' as it is custom in many dojo.

Either way, the bottom line is that you are not happy and not only will this affect you and your family and your life, but also with what you have to offer to the dojo. Since there are hard feelings, it is sometimes better to part ways and look for something you will be happier with.

You have several problems and not all are because of your school.

First, except for professional athletes no one has time exclusively to train. For the vast majority of people and even in ancient times, it has always been about balancing the exigencies of life with your pursuits in martial art. You will ALWAYS have to balance work, family, personal relationships as well as martial art. What you don't realize is that as someone who is living at home with all your bills paid and necessities provided by your parents, you have more free time than you will ever have. Once you get out of college and into the workforce, the demand on your time will increase several folds. In other words, it will not get better. You need to start learning how to balance your life and use the time you have more efficiently.

Second, if your school is not providing the quality of training to aid in reaching your goal, then you have no choice but to leave it and find another. What would be the point of staying? But are you sure of your goals? Are you sure that you have gotten "nothing in return" and that your goals are really what you want?

Third, your statement that there are not "very many quality schools" in your area is odd because that means there ARE quality schools in your area. So, why didn't you go to those? What's keeping you from going to those schools?

It seems to me that there are more going on then you let on. If you want to quit, that is your prerogative. If you want to find another avenue to reach your goal you apparently have them, but seems reluctant to do so. Why? Everyone make sacrifices for their dreams, but you seem to be either unaware of what you were giving up at the time and only realizing it now or you changed the priorities of your life which is fine and nothing wrong with that, but you need to sit down, be honest with yourself, and think about exactly what you want.

We all have to grow and sometimes take a different path in life. I'd definitely go to school and get a real degree. Get a girl friend too, both are necessary in getting fulfillment out of life. If you want open a private school and teach Karate to a handful of dedicated students out of your garage. I did this for a while and found it very fulfilling.

If you continue martial arts, you can one day become invincible. You show care for your school and I admire that. However, it is not martial arts that is your problem right now but it is the dojo you are attending. If you want to become stronger, find another dojo. However, if you want to start a life and go to school that is also good but I would prefer to stick with martial arts. Not only will it keep you healthy and fit, but it will keep you mentally stable. Education is great and all, but mastering something not many people choose to master such as martial arts would be amazing. It is your choice and this is my opinion. If you wish to start a life,however, that may be good, just make the right decision. The right decision is what you feel in your guts, its what you want to do and it is never wrong.

Time to move on, you're getting used, the attitude of the students is bad, and you have no support.

You could find a new school

You should change your name to the challlenger.

The choice is yours. You have to make you own decisions.

good question

I have grown frustrated because of the lack support within my own dojo. I wanted to become a part of a sponsored sport karate team and travel around the United States, but prioritizes such as work, school, and family really limit how much I can workout and practice. I have trained for the past 4 years and spent my entire high school life just training, but it was to no use. I sacrificed so much and I have nothing in return. In competition I lose often because of people of have more experience than I do, I do not have the opportunity to spar with very many people because of the fact that my school is very small. Many people who I compete against have the opportunity to spar many times a week and against multiple people. I tried giving back to my dojo by teaching classes but the lack of development amongst the students became frustrating for me,plus they're just a bunch of lazy kids. Also, my instructor became dependent on me because I was the only instructor who taught for free, everybody else received payment because they had partial ownership of the school. Whenever I asked for payment he'd complain about how hard his life and why he couldn't pay me. I've grown tried of training and dealing with this situation on a daily basis, I'm thinking about moving on and just working and going to school full time, along with spending quality time with my friends and family, maybe even get a girlfriend. I just wanted to know what you think of this situation and what I should do?