> I Am Really Bad At Karate?

I Am Really Bad At Karate?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
My senior student is a high ranked black belt. When he started training with me he could not do anything right. I wondered if he would ever get past the most basics of basics. Now he is my most advanced student. I'm very proud of him. Everyone learns and progresses at different rates. Some people learn slowly. But then they often hit a point where they start progressing much quicker. If you really want this don't let anything stop you. You are not competing with anyone but yourself.

Best of Luck with your training!

Let me get this straight: you thought martial art was so easy that only a couple lessons would make you absolutely perfect in everything? Ask yourself when in your life have you ever became good at something in just 2 lessons. Nothing worthwhile comes easy. Stick with it for another couple of YEARS, then worry about not being good after that.

As for embarrassing yourself - get use to it. Everybody embarrass themselves throughout their lives. But you didn't start karate for other people's approval did you? I hope the reason you are learning karate is because YOU want to learn it and be good at it; not because you want other people to think you are cool.

There's nothing to be scared about. What you're experiencing is normal. I remember when I started in Aikido three years ago after I had been in Karate for 20 years. For the first time in a long time I was a beginner again, and felt stupid. But that's normal. There's only two kinds of people in martial arts. Those who quit and those who endure. That is all.

If you've only had a couple of classes, then of course you are terrible and look foolish! People are not laughing because everyone starts out that way. You have to stick with it and put in the effort if you want to get better. It does take years, but people usually think it is worth it. Martial arts give you many benefits, such as increased fitness, focus and self-discipline.

pugpaws2 and those who said it takes time are right. Remember every black belt started as a white belt and we all needed time to develop our skills.

Also keep in mind that learning isn't a straight path. You'll be "terrible" for awhile then things will click. Then you'll learn some new things and everything will fall apart. So stick with it, practice, go to class and practice, practice, practice and before you know it you'll be very good!

The color belt ranking systems is so stupid.!!

If you're worried about people judging you by your belt color, then i suggest you switch over to another martial art. Kung Fu would be good, because most schools do not use a belt ranking system and don't have a competitive attitude, like some karate schools have.

I would suggest Wing Chun or Southern Praying Mantis, they are easy to learn and very effective fighting systems.

Don't sweat it, every body learns differently, stick with it and you will be a legend, and of course no one's gonna laugh at you, the dojo is a very professional place where people are only focused on earning

everyone in martial arts starts the same they are all in your words terrible, and make mistakes. its part of the learning curve. it also makes it easier to teach since you all look and make the same mistakes. what your going through is nothing new everyone looked like you at some point.

dont look into it so much. it will take as long as it took everyone else.

I dont know I messed up parking lot and my teacher seven years ago messed all the logistics does make you happy.

I had a couple of classes and I am just terrible I'm a white belt but I fell like it will take me years to be better people don't laugh at me at the dojo but I fell like I embarrass my self when I do kata Is it my fault?