> How true are the claims about the power of Chi?

How true are the claims about the power of Chi?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
It's 110% garbage. There is no mystical energy force flowing through you that you can learn to control and manipulate.

Some interpret Chi/Ki as simply being air, which makes sense. There are benefits to breathing exercises that help strengthen the lungs and teach you to breathe properly. You get more oxygen to your blood and it's good for your brain and gives you a good feeling. Jogging, however, can also give you the same effect if you breathe correctly while you run. There are benefits to better oxygen flow in your body. None of those benefits include making you magically capable of bending a spear against your throat. ANYBODY can do that and it has nothing to do with mystical energy of any kind, it's just a trick. It also won't allow you to become impossible to lift or anything like that. That's another trick that has nothing to do with Chi and everything to do with your hips.

If you allow yourself to believe in Chi as a mystical energy that you can use to perform superhuman feats, you'll end up wasting your time. Some people believe this garbage for their entire lives and teach it to others, and they go to the grave thinking they did their students a great service when they really only taught them garbage that would never help them in a real fight if they got into one. Chi is a bunch of hooey.

Depends how you interpret Chi. If Chi to you is the ability to shoot fire balls at your opponent from your hands then of course there is no truth to it. If you believe in the no-touch push then I too would question that. In Asian culture chi is what allows you to move your body. Without life energy (chi), you would not be able to move. A dead person does not have chi. There is a body but nothing to move it with. "Chi" usually refers to the energy that flows through "meridians" in your body, but it is also the energy that flows through all things in the universe. So it is not just your Chi or my Chi but is part of the universe. This energy can be directed and intesified with training and practice. A healthy (through any exercise not just martial arts) person has more chi energy than a couch potato. In the martial arts, chi is about understanding how your body moves, remember chi is what moves your body. Good healthy practices (nutrition, sleep, hygene), training in timing, breathing, which muscle groups work together how and which ones against each other, staying relaxed, blending with your opponent and thus affecting his chi, if you want to call it that all combined make you more skilled and your 'chi' more dominant over the 'chi' of your opponent. Like in "Aiki" ('do' or 'jutsu') it means domineering spirit.

I have found some of the claims of Chi or Ki to be very real actually and have given several concrete examples of this here in this forum. One example involves me parking my motorcycle in the garage and starting to lean it over to get off of it without putting the kickstand down. That was 640 pounds I was leaning over to the left which is my less dominant side and weaker leg and the bike was over 45 degrees and going down on its side when I got a sudden surge of strength and was able to bring it back up with just the strength of my left leg to vertical and then put the kickstand down. This happened so fast that I did not even have time to think about it until afterwards as I was getting off the second time and I would have easily had a thousand dollars in damage if the bike had gone down on its side.

I have given other examples of chi or ki as well and one of the ways I look at it is when your mind, muscles and body, and senses all work together in unison at a maximum level. All of us have done this at some time or another in our lives probably when catching ourselves after tripping for instance and yet not falling. The trick to it is can you react or act at that maximum level all the time or on demand when needed repeatedly is how I look at it and explain it to others. Looking at it from that standpoint then allows a person to more easily accept it and maybe also relate to it I think. After all; who among us has never tripped and yet caught ourselves before falling and ending up sprawled out on the sidewalk or ground looking like a complete klutz.

Your question depends on the person that said he know how to use Qi. There are people more often than not claim that they can teach you Qi when they can't. It is easier if you find someone who can demonstrate Qi and learn from them or from their master. Other than the seemingly supernatural physical feats, Qi can also be used to heal injuries and if the masters cannot do it, you should questioned his credibility. Other than that, you should watch the youtube videos "Fight Quest S01E01 KungFu Full" to learn a bit about Kungfu and the Qi. You can also watch the videos demonstration of some kung fu art that used external force such as Iron Palm, Iron Leg and others. The power of Qi is real although a lot of its ancient arts such as Qing gong have been missing. Other arts in existence that i read off are cosmos palm and one finger zen.

You can easily find all the chi you could want at your local library, just look under fiction.

chi, is always around us. but i don′t believe in some supernatural chi power

Chi makes it weird and I have coke flashed in my teeth because my aunty put me in rehab but Karate feels nothing near the pile and the 8 hill.