The best way to train for Taekwondo is by training in Taekwondo.
Youtube has some videos try some other things on google maybe. It's WTF, but it's more an example of what you can find. Even the ITF organizational sites should have at least some basic tips online. Additionally, there are instructional DVDs for most styles available as well. Couple forms here
try googling routines if you dont want to ask your instructor.
Good day everyone. I do ITF TKD and just want to ask for advise or a website to help improve myself. Where can I find workout routines to improve my sparring and last longer when sparring? How can I improve my flexibility? (For special techniques.) Where can I learn how to be better at breaking, or just some hints and tips. Where can I learn more about patterns to improve sine wave, speed, rhythm and my general form?
Thank you in advance for your help.