> How to talk to instructor about quitting martial arts?

How to talk to instructor about quitting martial arts?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I bet your parents knew that and are banking on you talking/or not to your instructor. They probably think if it is bad enough you will muster up the courage to talk to your grandpa and if it is not bad enough you will stick it out rather than talk to your grandpa.

You can say 'I quit' and leave no room for discussion. This will probably close the door.

You can say 'I don't enjoy it anymore' which will leave room for discussion and probably advise and you will end up staying.

You can also say 'I need a break. I am stressed'. If you say you want to focus more on your school work, upping your grades, etc, most adults will understand this. This approach will also leave the door open should you want to return at a later time.

Why do you feel humiliated after class? You might want to deal with that too regardless if you are quitting Karate, as I think this could affect other areas in your life too if it is lack of confidence for example maybe.

It doesn't have to be an "I quit" speech - all you have to say is you're taking a break, or a hiatus, from the martial arts. It could be for school or some other reason. The reason why he probably was upset with you for not coming to class was because you weren't honoring your responsibilities to your agreements. He probably thought of it as you just slacking off, not as a way of trying to take a needed mental/physical rest.

You're just going to have to be up front and honest. Even if he is a grumpy grandpa, it's best to suck it up and man it out. He may even be proud of you for telling it how it is, even if he doesn't show or say it.

I agree with your parents here, they are teaching you a very valuable lesson, something that all adults must do and what all children must learn in order to become more of an adult.

They are teaching you that you need to speak for yourself, that you need to tell someone how you feel and that you need to stand by the decision you have made. You need to learn how to do this because being an adult means making decisions and standing by them. You have decided to quit martial arts for what ever reasons you come to and now it is time to be an adult and stand by your decision. If you are old enough to make your mind up and your parents clearly think you are because they are prepared to let you quit then you must be old enough to stand by your actions.

You need to just come out and tell him that you are quitting and why you are quitting and that you need to stand strong behind your decision. If you are not strong enough to do this then you are not ready to be making those decisions yet.

Be short and quick. ''I quit'' if he ask why respond ''i don't enjoy it anymore'' and ''thank you for you teaching'' and go away. Don't try to justify yourself more than this it just make the matter complicated. with time the thing will cool down with your grandpa.

Explain to him, be short but not explosive, state (don't ask) that you don't want to be there any more,and thank him for his teachings.... It doesent matter if he doesn't like it . But first explain to him why. Good luck!

hello to all who are reading this, I have wanted to quit martial arts for 8 months now, I feel stressed, and humiliated sometimes after every class. I do not enjoy it and I wanted to quit since purple belt. I finally had another talk with my parents and this time they said it was ok if I talked to my instructor, problem is my instructor is extremely short tempered and he is my grandpa and he is near impossible to talk to. I have a fear of talking to adults who are even nice but if im in a tiny bit of trouble I end up laughing for no reason at all for crying for no reason at all. He got super mad at me for saying I wasent going to be in class but I would be all next week, Im extremely scared of adults when im in trouble with them alone plsss 10 pts :S