> How to stand up for myself?

How to stand up for myself?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Not showing fear is does not mean not feeling fear. Only a psycho feels no fear when in danger. This has nothing to do about standing up for yourself - it's about survival and doing the smart thing. First of all, you have been too complacent in your life. Like many people, you have been living what I call an Ostrich existence in that you never thought about "what if". You thought being a good person means bad things don't happen to you and bad things only happens to other people. You think the police is only a split second away and they will magically appear to protect you when trouble occurs. That didn't happen did it?

This is why you were out at midnight and got into what could have been in a lethal situation - alone at midnight sitting in a car in a parking lot fumbling for a key, sitting there long enough for a group of hoodlums to walk up and attack you when it does not take 2 seconds to start a car and drive off.

You made a mistake that could have ended your life, but I am willing to bet you have been taking this kind of chances for a very long time just not aware of doing so. You got a second chance that many people in similar situations do not get, so learn from it. No more unnecessary late night outings. ALWAYS be aware of your surroundings. ALWAYS park your car nearby in well lighted lots and scan the area before you walk to your car - have your key ready and when you get in the car start up the engine and drive; don't do what many ignorant people do by sitting there and dialup the cell phone first.

"Yesterday at midnight" is where you made your biggest mistake. You don't need to be going anywhere that late unless it is absolutely necessary. So you not only had 4 thieves to worry about, you had the darkness itself, where you can't see what is going on, if there is anyone else there, etc.

That was not the time to stand up for yourself, it was the time to escape, which you did. So what if you felt scared, that is NORMAL. You would be a fool if you did not feel anything in that situation. You survived in spite of your fear. That is to be commended.

I say good job and thank God you're ok.

Should have ran them over with the car. Then they would be shitting the bricks.


With no martial arts experience but a car?!? If you were a badass who doesn't give a f about the law then you could have heisenbergd them all and ran them over but I think that your safe is the biggest THING now. Think of what might have happened if you got out of the car and fought them...

Shaeeck is correct, you are alive and did not have a hospital visit. if you would have fought you could have been killed.

there is a book you might want to read called "the gift of Fear" which tell you that being afraid is actually a good thing

as for being more aware, that is always a good thing but I would say that as you are ok, then you are more aware than most people.

It's never late to learn some self-defense. Know where to strike and how to strike then you'll be set. You don't need to go to some Shaolin Monastery to learn how to kick someone in the nuts or put them in a joint lock. You were given a chance to correct your mistake. What if they were already trying to get into your car while you were heading back to your car? Then you would definitely have to confront them directly or call the police but what if you didn't have time to call for the police? Bring a pocket knife or some other form of self-protection tools like pepper spray.

Refusing to correct your mistake is ignorance. If anything happens don't blame anyone but yourself. Once again you were given a chance. Learn from you mistake. Don't be paranoid but be aware. Don't be scared stay composed.

You did the right thing, Anything else would have been stupidity.

I am a martial artist and i had the same thing happen to me when i was about 18 years old. 4 guys were harassing my friend and i as we were getting into the car and they grabbed the car door. I started the car and burnt rubber leaving. It bent my door out of shape and it cost me a couple of hundred dollars to fix but that is nothing compared to the possibility that me or my friend could have been stabbed, hit over the head, raped, murdered..etc....

Standing up for yourself is great for certain moments but its more important to be able to make smart decisions at critical moments.

I would say your father is a moron if he expected you to defend yourself in this situation. Self defense is not about being able to beat the hell out of someone, it is about being able to preserve your right to survive and that is precisely what you did.

Under other circumstances sure, you need to be able to stand up for yourself but not in the case you have mentioned.

what else were you suppose to do? running off sounds good to me.

running away is the best self defence

Man up!

Yesterday at midnight when I went out and as I was getting into the car a group of boys with hoods walked towards my car and tried opening it as I was in the car.

I was shitting bricks I quickly speeded off. Is it normal to be a ***** about it and be scared.

My dad said it's all about your heart. Don't show now fear. How could I stand up for myself without martial arts.

I need to be more aware of my surroundings.