> How to prevent getting knocked out?

How to prevent getting knocked out?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
1) don't fight ... it will solve nothing ... and is stupid ... one wrong hit and you can kill someone ... you knock a guy out and he hits his head and dies ... you go to jail

2) if you have to fight ... understand most fights last 7 seconds ... so hit first and hit hard ... if you KNOW you are going to fight ... walk up to him and smash him right away ... don't talk .. .don't say anything ... it's a fight ...

3) don't go for his nose ... go for his chin ... the chin is the "button" ... you hit him square on the chin ... or side of the chin ... he will go to sleep ... straight on, his jaw with move back and his lights will go out ... don't plan on his getting ko'd cause you have to hit him perfect ... so get ready to follow up with some hooks ... one right to the chin ... followed by 3 swooping lefts

4) throw punches with purpose ... don't just swing your arms ... aim your punches and make sure you keep you balance at all time ... bend your knees

and MOST IMPORTANT ... keep your chin tucked down ... keep your left shoulder UP and keep your left hand as a guard ... always protect yourself first ... defense leads to offense

Have a look at some boxing videos and study the way they stand and the way they hold their hands.

When he goes to hit you jab him with your left and straight punch him with your right, don't pull out of the punch.. punch past him.. it will hurt him more... if that doesn't knock him down give him a few more... until he hits the floor. if you manage to get him on the ground and he's dazed or knocked out, leave him... only d1cks attack a helpless man.

But, if you can avoid the fight.

I know I'm just a girl haha, but if you look which way his shoulders are pointing, you can maybe see where he's going to swing. Then, he'll be open and you could give him a jab on his lower stomach or a little hit on the throat. Also, if you really think he can knock you out, keep your hands up and tight, covering where your opponent wants to hit. Like your head or your stomach, ya feeeel mee.

Don't fight and you wont get knocked out

Upper cutting his nose... Yea that will definently work.

Learn the learn.

don't get hit

Get your guard up.

This boy in my year (Year 11) wants to fight me and we have settled a date for Wednesday. Everyones getting hyped over it, it don't bother me. I know i will beat him, but there is that possibility that he could knock me out. I have learnt from my bigger brothers the best way to knock someone out quick and easy is the uppercut their nose or smash their nose. And if you can't swipe their face, aim for the stomach and ribs. But I have never learnt how to protect myself. How do I prevent getting knocked out myself/ seriously hurt? I aint scared cause I know my anger will overcome my pain cause it always happens in fights. Once a fight is over, I only feel the pain i have after such as a broken knuckle etc. But seriously, how do you prevent getting knocked out?