> How to prepare for karate?

How to prepare for karate?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
You don't have to prepare for karate, especially if you are only 12 or 13. You just show up. While you're there you learn to stretch and the instructor goes over the fundamentals. At your age, flexibility and excessive soreness should not be an issue. Just show up. 90 percent of all success is in life is just showing up.

If you want a few easy things to do simply do some squats, pushups and pullups. Maybe stand in a horse stance for a minute at a time to get those muscles straining a bit. Do a few laps around the neighborhood. That is about all you will need, as you are young.

If you want to really explore an accompanying martial arts focused lifting program, now that is a whole other conversation which I don't think you care about at the moment.

Have fun! Very cool that your siblings are going with you!

Sadly Most Martial Art School are not like back in old day. They go wayyy to easy on students now days. :( Its all because Instructor are too scared to get Sue by the parents for giving them a actual serious training.

-sighs- sad day indeed.. If you're serious, you must show determination to the instructor that you wanted serious training. Not sissy type like 3 pushup and you're done for the day! -_-;

by stop finding reason to procrastinate and join a karate dojo.

you will get in shape as you train. very few people join up that are already inshape

Once you start training that will prepare you. You learn to stretch properly in class.

So I'm in 7th grade and my sister who is already a brown belt in karate is joining again next week but my mom

Says if she goes then me and my 5 year old brother have to join to :D:D (I'm so excited!!) but I wanna know how to prepare myself because I'm not flexible AT ALL.. I can't even reach my toes even though I try over and over again. I'm only like 75 pounds too.. But point is how can I prepare myself and what kind of exercises can I do? I start in a week.. I know that they do warmups before each class but I still wanna start a lil bit before I join..

Please help(: and thanks(: