> How to overcome a fear of fighting?

How to overcome a fear of fighting?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Don't view it too much as fighting...View it as something else, to the one point or the other, that suits you. A main reason why some people are nervous in general is because they think too much in a sense about fighting..Think something like confidence or something else....or even...nothing...

If what I have said doesn't work for you either, then don't be too absolute in what I have said and just try to take it as an influence if you want and you will find it.:)

A Chinese proverb that I particularly enjoy goes as such. "Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are." The reason why you have tension and fear is that you haven't prepared well enough that you can be confident just being who you are in a fight. Samurai warriors always talked about, above all else, having a calm mind during battle. They achieved this calm mind by constantly preparing so that, when in the heat of battle, there were no surprises and they felt at ease. They even kept death at the front of their mind so that if they found themselves in a situation where death was a very large possibility, they were fine with that outcome and it didn't panic them.

Only preparation, practice and mindfulness will allow you to conquer this fear.

Firstly dont ever think the place you train is always the best.

Now here are a number of issues - firstly you have only been training 6 months. many fighters have spent more combined time than that washing their gi's or driving to training. Seriously. You are like a baby in the martial arts world and fear can be reflective of the time you have spent training and not being confident in your skill set. At 6 months no one is completely confident in their skills because this takes many many many years to get.

secondly you are experiencing built up adrenalin caused by the fight or flight response of our body, this is the natural reaction that your body is saying there is no need to fight so lets take flight. To over come this again takes years of training and preparation of the body.

if you were faced with a dangerous situation on the street and you were forced to fight then fear is something that can save your life. this is your mind telling you that you are in imminent danger and the difference between TMA and the sporting aspects of martial arts is that TMA is about trying to teach your body to listen to the mind and to take flight when available but to be able to rely on our training if the possibility of a fight is imminent. In sporting aspects of martial arts you are trying to go against your bodies natural fight/flight programming and change it to fight mentality which is something that only experience of fighting will teach you to do and is something that goes against the fabric of self preservation.

Unfortunately after only 6 months of training you just don't have the experience to conquer fear. But no one can ever control it perfectly anyway because it is programmed into our DNA

The first time I sparred I was really scared. But as soon as I started fighting all of the tension had gone and so had the fear. I'm not saying this is going to happen to you but stuff like this happens often

how did u overcome the other ones

use the same approach

or go see a pychologist if uve got the dough

I've struggled with many fears in my life. Many including spiders, women, socializing and horror films but I have overcome all of them but there is one fear that still exists in me and that is fighting. I have been taking solid Muay Thai for half a year at a dojo near me. All the trainers are fighters from Thailand and I've learned so many good techniques from them, no dojo in my country can beat mine. I was asked to spar with some big guy and I was getting very scared, nervous and all sorts of other things, I was shaking like crazy.I get so scared when it comes to any fight and I heart rate increases extremely fast before a fight. How do I stop this all?